
Project “Register of Problems” of the NCE RK will facilitate comprehensive solution of entrepreneurship related problems – Gulnar Kurbanbaeva

19 Февраля 2014
4341 просмотров

Today, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs has presented an online project “Register of Problems” which will facilitate comprehensive solution of entrepreneurs’ problems – as reported today by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE – Mrs. Kurbanbaeva

“The most important thing is that the Register will allow to effectively cooperate with state authorities and promptly solve entrepreneurs’ problems emerged” - Mrs. Kurbanbaeva said.

This project operates on the basis of the updated website of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs -

As was mentioned during the presentation by the Deputy Chairman of the Board – Gulanar Kurbanbaeva – the project “Register of Problems” is an online platform where each businessman can upload the information regarding problems he might be faced in entrepreneurial practice.

Subsequently, the problem will be structured, and relevant assistance and support will be rendered to the entrepreneur within NCE’s activity.

In this case, all appellations will be monitored and analyzed, whereafter, the endemic problems will be solved at the legislative level.

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