
Pos-terminal as conscious reality

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The Ministry of Finance does not want to delay the transition to pos-terminals.

Finance Minister Bakhyt Sultanov said that the postponement of the transition to the pos-terminals is no longer needed. He made this statement during the plenary session of the Mazhilis of the Parliament.

The deputies asked the Minister of Finance, what is the situation with the pos-terminals, does it need any further extension of the transitional period due to a number of unresolved problems.

Bakhyt Sultanov said that from 1st of January 2016 the use of pos-terminals would be required for individual entrepreneurs operating under the patent and "simplified tax regime".

"Their number is large, about 300 thousand. We are working with them, analyze the problems raised by them - reducing the cost of pos-terminals, availability of communications systems, Internet availability at the place of work, etc ", - said the deputy B. Sultanov. - "But given the fact that we have moved the deadline... We believe that we need no other shift of the deadline, and we don’t suggest it”.

The Ministry of Finance is ready to solve a particular problem arising from the lack of the Internet.

"There is a possibility of flexible and phased introduction of the requirement of installation of pos-terminals, for example, at settlements and industries where there is a connection. These features, we will take into account through the relevant decisions of the Government", - said the Minister.

"We are working closely with the National Bank and NCE RK “Atameken” to gradually remove all the problems", - the head of the Ministry of Finance assured the deputies.

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