
Woodworking industry - is also promising

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" is making every effort to provide support measures to entrepreneurs engaged in woodworking industry.

This was stated at a meeting of the Sub-Committee of woodworking industry of NCE RK "Atameken" by the head of the secretariat Nurlan Sakuov.

The meeting was held at the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin within the frames of the international scientific forum "Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded forests", which was attended by representatives of the timber industry of Kazakhstan.

There is a misconception that the woodworking industry is economically unpromising. "Meanwhile, this industry exists, the domestic wood processing enterprises produce products that are competitive not only in public procurement, but are demand with large private companies. Furthermore, the products manufactured by domestic woodworkers, can be exported abroad", - said Nurlan Sakuov.

According to him, the industry can rapidly and efficiently develop, it needs support from the state. And the National Chamber of entrepreneurs is working hard in this direction.

As stated the head of the Secretariat of the Manufacturing Committee of NCE RK "Atameken", National Agency for Technological Development gives grants for businesses. However, he said, until 2014 woodworking enterprises were not included in the list of priority sectors, in connection with which they could not expect to receive any funds from the budget. Now, according to Nurlan Sakuov, with the assistance of NCE RK "Atameken", wood processing industry is included in the list of priority areas of the economy to provide innovation grants.

NCE also insisted that the company "Astana EXPO-2017" in their purchases of products should focus on the domestic timber that can be used for the construction of the exhibition.

According to Nurlan Sakuov, together with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the MID was developed a program "Development of the forest sector of the economy", in which emphasis was placed on the preservation of forests in Kazakhstan and increase of the share of Kazakhstani woodworking industry.

"However, other departments, particularly the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan repeatedly tried to exclude the project. Now the Chamber works hard so that measures of state support of timber industry were adopted in Kazakhstan", - said the Head of the Secretariat of the Manufacturing Committee of NCE RK "Atameken".

The potential market for woodworkers is the construction sector. However, there are problems associated with procurement. As businessmen complained to NCE, construction companies often buy from those with whom they have long established contacts, or the Russians, but sometimes from pseudoentreprneurs.

"In order to address existing problems and bring the job in the system, it was proposed to establish a register of manufacturers of building materials, in particular, for the woodworking industry, which in the future can be oriented on construction companies", - said Nurlan Sakuov.

In this regard, the National Chamber of entrepreneurs together with the Association of forestry and forest products "Zhasyl Orman" is planning to organize a survey among woodworking enterprises, which will identify the market and identify potential customers.

The representative of NCE also advised entrepreneurs to work more actively with subsidiaries of "Samruk-Kazyna", adding that the Chamber has the necessary information on all ongoing and planned purchases that "subsidaries" of the Fund are going to implement this year.

This information can be used by domestic wood processers, and NCE, in turn, will assist in their participation in the procurement by national companies. But, as noted Nurlan Sakuov, entrepreneurs themselves need to show initiative in this regard.

Secretary of the Secretariat of the Committee of the manufacturing industry encouraged woodworkers to address with their problems to NCE, through industry associations to make their proposals.

Anuar Beysekov, representative of the National Agency for Export and Investment “KAZNEX INVEST” informed about the measures of state support of entrepreneurs.

According to him, the Agency provides service support to entrepreneurs. In particular, the participation in international events (trade missions), assistance in the search of potential buyers of products of a particular manufacturer abroad if there is demand, and it will be provided free of charge.

As shared the representative of “KAZNEX INVEST”, entrepreneurs will get help with organization of business forums, rental of premises, exhibition areas, presentation of the trademark. However, he stressed that all these support tools are aimed at the final result.

In turn, entrepreneurs spoke about the development of production, vital issues that concern them. Woodworkers complained on the lack of good roads, markets, etc. Chairman of the Association of wood-processors of North Kazakhstan region - Sermukhamet Oraluly noted that with the right approach to the industry we can effectively organize the work. In his opinion, now authorities request a huge number of documents, paperwork hinders fruitful activity (in NKO there are 29). Entrepreneur also complained that local manufacturers are still working with obsolete equipment, which also affects the quality of products.

Chairman of the Association of organizations of forestry and forest products "Zhasyl Orman" Duman Kydyrbaev said that attractiveness of establishing industrial plantation forests is the long term perspective, while entrepreneurs are aimed at quick profits. Therefore, according to him, state support is required for the development of forestry tools, including state program on development of the forestry sector.


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