
The Russian ruble has hit the pockets of Kazakhstani Machine Builders

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According to the data of the Secretariat of the Committee of mechanical engineering and metalworking for 2015, the index of industrial production volume (IPV) of engineering products amounted to 70.4% in January-December 2015. The volume of production amounted to about 612.4 billion tenge.

During January-December 2015 compared to the corresponding period of 2014, increased production of:

- Computers, electronic and optical products, IPV is 105.9% - JSC "Corporation"Saiman", JSC "Concern" Asia Electric", JSC "Logicom", JSC "LG Electronics Almaty".

At the same time decreased the production of:

- Electrical equipment, IPV If 98.8% - LLP LED Solution, LLP "Energy-Taraz”, LLP “Prolux KZ Ltd”, LLP “LED System Media”;

- Machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified (75.8 bln), IPV - 72.9% - JSC "Munaiaspap", JSC "Atyrauneftemash", LLP "GMMOS Kazakhstan", JSC "PZTM", JSC "AZTM", JSC "Byelkamit";

- Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, IPV - 42.9% - JSC "ASIA AUTO", LLP "SaryarkaAvtoprom", JSC "Agromash", JSC "KAMAZ-Engineering" Ltd, "SemAZ”, LLP “Hyundai Auto Trans”;

- Other vehicles, IPV - 45.6% - JSC "Locomotive Kurastyru zauyty", LLP "Kazakhstan Wagon Company";

- Repair and installation of machinery and equipment, IPV is 83.7% .

Domestic engineering has suffered greatly as a result of the deteriorating economic situation in Russia and devaluation of the ruble.

However, import of counterfeit products also affected the volume of production of engineering industries.

During 2015 in order to support domestic enterprises were rendered the following measures of support.

NCE RK "Atameken" works on the problematic issues of the machine-building enterprises in the framework of the Action Plan on measures of support of industrial enterprises for 2015.

Under this Action Plan was rendered support:

JSC "ZIKSTO" (Petropavlovsk) in the form of orders for the production of 300 units of freight cars in the amount of 3.3 billion tenge.;

security forces and private carriers purchased 18 buses from LLP "Dive Bus Kazakhstan" (Semey);

JSC "Plant named after Kirov "(Petropavlovsk) signed a contract with JSC "Kazteleradio" for supply of set-top boxes in the amount of 17 thousand pieces;

"Ust-Kamenogorsk Condenser Plant" signed a contract for the supply of capacitors with Trade and Transport Company, LLP "Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant", LLP "Bogatyr komіr" and others.

Long-term contracts were concluded between the backbone companies, mining companies and domestic producers in the amount of 40 billion tenge.

Within the frames of the Plan is held work on the implementation of the first export deliveries of domestic locomotives (CJSC "Azerbaijani Railways"), as well as transformers and valves (valves, cranes).

There was held a meeting on the problems of machine-building enterprises (JSC “Munaymash”, JSC “Format Mach Company”, JSC “Kentau Transformer Plant”, JSC “Plant named after Kirov”, JSC “Kaynar-JSCB”). There were adopted decisions on resolution of the issues.

In April 2015 was signed an agreement between the Association of manufacturers of new technologies of the gas industry" (Russian Federation) and ULE "Engineering Union of Kazakhstan". the Roadmap for the development of industrial cooperation between the enterprises of machine-building complex in the oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation are at the stage of signing.

As part of the Plan of the nation - 100 concrete steps to implement five institutional reforms towards "industrialization and economic growth based on the diversification" in order to implement 55-56 steps in "Improving the investment climate and attracting TNCs", there was developed and adopted the Law of Kazakhstan "On Introduction of amendments and additions to some legislative acts on the issues of industrial and innovation policy” (#407-V ZRK dated by November 17, 2015) which provides for measures to create a favorable tax regime. There were introduced tax incentives in the form of exemption from VAT on imports of raw materials and (or) materials used in the implementation of investment projects, as well as automotive components in the framework of agreements on industrial assembly of motor vehicles.

This will reduce the cost of domestic products and thus increase its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.

For reference:

As part of the Industrialization Map 10 investment projects were introduced in 2015, totaling 19.393 billion tenge with the creation of 1027 jobs, and in 2016 it is planned to create 1921 job.

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