
Quickly and cheap

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Fast food restaurants are very popular among the population due to the diversity of inexpensive and tasty food

The first fast food restaurant McDonald was opened in Astana. Residents of the capital, and the media, not only in Astana, but also far outside of Kazakhstan paid big attention to this event paid. On the eve of opening journalists were invited to take a tour of the restaurant, and then many invitees were able to personally cook a particular dish. Of course, under the supervision of McDonald's employees.

Kazakhstan staff, which is about 200 people, is now working together with the staff of the Russian restaurant chain McDonald's. The organizers of the tour emphasized that this practice is a common thing when you open a restaurant in any city in any country. Almost all "coaches" from the Russian Federation have many years of continuous experience and service in McDonald's, many of them have come in due time, to earn extra money during a vacation, and stayed to work forever. Some of the experts from Russia participated in the opening of restaurants in many countries, but they unanimously stressed that Kazakhstan – is the most hospitable country, and Kazakh nation is the most smiling in the world.

As for the domestic staff of the Moscow McDonald's - they all went through tough competitions, in other words, there were three thousand applicants for some vacancies. The selection was accompanied by interviews, the applicants were asked unexpected questions for them. For example, "What do you say to your friends, if they come to your restaurant and see that you wash, for example, the floor?"

McDonald's franchise owner in Kazakhstan is Kairat Boranbaev – a businessman told reporters that the network of 13 restaurants will be built within three years in Kazakhstan. In addition, currently were consider the construction of a food town in Almaty, which will consist of plants for the production of products for restaurants McDonald's. Now all the products for the capital’s McDonald's are delivered from Russia.

Add that Kairat Boranbaev owns McDonald's franchise in Belarus. He noted that the interest to the company's products is huge in that country.

"Last year, "McDonald's Belarus" was at the top five best-selling McDonald's products in Europe. There we have 11 restaurants, a very successful work in the market ", - stated K. Boranbaev.

According to the Secretariat of the Committee for Trade of NCE RK "Atatmeken" today fast-food restaurants are very popular among the population due to the diversity of inexpensive and delicious food. Currently, a number of major international fast-food chains operates in Kazakhstan (Burger King-23 restaurants, Hardee's- 13 restaurants, KFC- 25 restaurants). These are places where you can eat quickly and for small money. The main difference between these places and full catering restaurants is the speed of service, which is on average 5-10 minutes per customer, plus visitors don’t stay long in (not more than 30-40 minutes). This gives the business owner an additional advantage, since the turnover of seats is high every day.

The indicators of activities of the international networks of fast food restaurants in Kazakhstan demonstrate that this area is profitable.

During a crisis, there is a decrease of the number of visits of consumers to restaurants and cafés, while the attendance of fast food places is the same.

The organization of own, new and unique ideas of fast-food chains in the case of successful development in the future provides an opportunity to create own brand and to sell the rights for its use.

Properties of "fast food" business,

• profitability of the business is built on high turnover of products and low prices;

• binding to the anchor projects (theaters, entertainment, commerce, events);

• comfortable and good packaging of food and drinks;

• additional free amenities (wi-fi, free toilets, etc.);

• a prime location of the business on major roads and in shopping centers (parking);

• use preferences in the diet of the population - "The reluctance to cook themselves at home in the evenings and on weekends";

• Major consumers are not picky to food and tend to save time on cooking and eating.

Financial expenses for organization of the fast-food network

1. Base Price (technological equipment, furniture, cutlery);

2. Administrative expenses:

•communal expenses;

• labor costs;

• room rental per 1 sq.m.

3. Advertising costs.

Permit procedures

1. Preparation of land for construction of the facility. Provision of a land plot by Akimat - a period 47 days, according to the Land Code of RK art.44-1;

2. Pre-design procedures (Architectural and Planning Assignment, ToRs). Duration - 6 working days, according to the approved Model Rules of construction. Order of the Minister of MNE #238 dated by 20.03.2015;

3. Development and coordination of project documentation (complex examination with the participation of government agencies and RSE "State expertise"). Coordination - 10 to 45 working days, depending on the category of the facility, according to the approved Model Rules of construction. Order of the Minister of MNE #238 dated by 20.03.2015g;

4. Construction and commissioning. The construction period according to the design and estimate documentation, date of commissioning - 17 days, according to the approved Model Rules of construction. Order of the Minister of MNE #238 dated by 20.03.2015;

5. Getting the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion at the Department of the Committee on Consumer Protection. Obtaining conclusion - a period of 15 working days, according to the State Decree of the Government # 533 dated by 22.05.2014;

6. Getting of a license for sale of alcoholic beverages at the territorial department of SRC of MF RK. Obtaining a license - a period of 15 working days, according to the State standard, approved by the Governmental Decree #200 dated by 03.05.2014,

The problems at the stage of formation of fast-food network

1. The quality of the ingredients (from meat to vegetables) that meet the quality and safety standards;

2. Safety Certificate (Food safety Certificate), which was approved by GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative). So far no supplier in our country meets these standards;

3. Duration of the process of allocation of a land plot by Akimat;

4. The duration of the development and coordination of project documentation (complex examination with the participation of government agencies and RSE "State expertise");

5. Instability of supply of ingredients (from meat to vegetables).

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