
In search of export and import "bottom"

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Department of Summary Analysis of NCE RK analyzed the reasons for the decline of exports and imports of domestic products

After analyzing the data of the international statistical company Trademap, which is based on data from the Kazakh Statistics Committee, it should be noted that in January 2016 continued the decline in the export and import of products of Kazakhstan.

(export and import of Kazakhstani products, billions USD)


* Excluding trade with the Russian Federation, which Trade Map does not count


Основными торговыми партнерами в экспорте казахстанской продукции по итогам января 2016 года (2 524 млн. $) являются:

In January 2016 compared with January 2014, exports of Kazakhstani production reduced to 4.9 billion USD, mainly due to the decrease in oil exports (4.6 billion USD).

However, in a similar comparison export growth is observed in January of 2016 for the following goods:

(Export of products with positive dynamics)


The main trade partners in the export of the Kazakhstani products by the end of January 2016 ( 2524 million USD) are:

  • Italy (507 million USD);
  • Switzerland (305 million USD);
  • China (245 million USD);
  • Netherlands (228 million USD);
  • Russia (212 million USD).


Imports of goods in Kazakhstan in January 2016 amounted to 1 033 million USD, compared to the same period in January 2014, that is nearly 700 million USD less.

Main headings in respect of which was observed a reduction of imports in the above mentioned period:

  • transport (-153 million USD);
  • Engineering equipment and boilers (-145 million USD);
  • Electrical & Electronic Equipment (-79 million USD).

Reduction of import of products and engineering equipment, eventually, could have a negative impact on the development of the country's industrial sector, as is an evident signal of reduction of investment in fixed assets in terms of the cost of technological innovation.

The increase in imports in Kazakhstan in the same comparison is observed for the following product groups:

  • Steel products (+38 million USD);
  •  Medications (+12.3 million USD);
  • Ore and slag ( 9,1 million USD);
  • Optical, technical, medical devices (4.2 million USD).

The main importers of goods in Kazakhstan by the end of January 2016 are:

  • Russia (515 million USD);
  • China (246 million USD);
  • Germany (113 million USD);
  • Italy (69 million USD);
  • USA (65 million USD).


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