
The property in law

- Akmola Region
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After almost ten years a farmer from Yereimentau district was able to legalize his property

A resident of Ulenty villag Sakhrat Khudzhanov for many years could not legalize the house and livestock base at the stripping section "Ushtagan" of Ulenty rural district.

Brief background. In 1994, during creation of the farm "Alem", the Khudzhanov’s family in respect of the property transferred in the share of agricultural enterprises equipment, livestock and buildings.

The farm at different times led the father and older brother Khudzhanov, who subsequently resigned from the agro-farm, taking the share due to him. In 2009, the head of the family died. But even earlier, during the second campaign of legalization of property in 2006-2007, Khudzhanov’s failed to legalize the assets and they remained illegitimate.

Becoming a legal successor, Sakhrat Khudzhanov later appealed to all authorities, but there were no results. Because of this his plans for the development of the peasant farm failed: to get a loan to purchase breeding animals and breeding beef cattle. You need a collateral to get the loan, and Khudzhanov didn’t have other to use.

Not really hoping for success, Sakhrat Khudzhanov addressed with the problem to Yereimentau branch of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs. He obtained a full range of legal services, he got help with gathering the necessary documents, as well as to make a claim for recognition of property rights.

Khudzhanov submitted a claim to Yereimentau District Court, but the court denied his claim. Lawyer of the branch compiled an appeal, which the applicant sent to the Board of Appeal of Akmola regional court. The court examined all the evidence, as a result of it, the judicial board issued a positive opinion. Former decision of Yereimentau district court was abolished, and a new one was adopted instead.

By virtue the ownership rights to the house and livestock were granted to Sakhrat Khudzhanov. The resolution came into force on the day of its announcement.

Currently, the entrepreneur is engaged in registration of all necessary documents to the property, and then plans to apply for a loan under the program "Sybaga".

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