
Harmful distance for business

- Kostanay Region
9112 просмотров

Sanitary doctors almost "buried" the Ritual Agency in Fedorovka district

Half a year a businessman was trying to prove that his business does not present a danger to others.

Valery Zinchenko opened the agency of funeral services in the village Fedorovka at the dawn of the nineties. It was necessary to support the family in those difficult years, and there was no such service in the area. The man found a free land, bought the land, built a small building. In 1996 he had a complete package of design documents and worked for nearly twenty years in the framework of the law until the end of last year when the officers of the Office for the protection of consumers' rights arrived with an inspection.

The results of the inspection were very unexpected for Valery. Based on its results, the businessman was given instruction that the facility will have to be closed, but at the same time he has to pay penalty - more than one hundred thousand tenge, due to violation of a sanitary zone. Under the new requirements, the distance from a cemetery or burial facilities to the housing buildings should be no less than fifty meters. In the regional center any business-to-point is within walking distance.

"These rules came into effect in 2015. But, excuse me, I have been working for more than twenty years, and what relation it has to me? In addition, what danger my production poses to others. I make wreaths, monuments, provide transportation. All of this can be understood by studying the paper, not blindly by putting regulations. Yes, I have a loan secured by the building, I would not get if something was wrong", - outraged Valery Zinchenko.

Nevertheless, the agency had to be closed and employees were sent on unpaid leave. The loan debt grows, I can’t pay it on time. The entrepreneur complains that his credit history is messed up and if he ever needs a loan, he will not be able to count on banks.

"I have openly asked the inspectors: show where the sanitary zone is generally observed on the ritual services? Then I was told at the Chamber that the law does not have retroactive force. Since I was registered earlier, the new rules do not apply to me, and it was necessary to appeal through the courts, which we did. The staff of RCE worked very well, prepared documents, participated in all legal proceedings ", - says the businessman.

As a result of the decision, with the support of experts of the branch of the Chamber, we have appealed, the court ruling was in my favour.

Now Valery Zinchenko is waiting when the decision will come into force, to resume business. "I am very grateful to the staff of the Chamber of entrepreneurs for help, for not leaving me alone with the problem", - said the man.

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