
New twists in the airport case

- Akmola Region
8413 просмотров

Once again, lawyers of RCE defended the rights of a business entity

The head transport prosecutor's office sent an answer to the Chamber’s request, stating that the complaint against the decision of the specialized administrative court of the town in relation to JSC "Kokshetau Airlines" is considered positive.

Airport work was temporarily paralyzed. The court ruled the suspension of the activities of the air harbor for ten days, as well as imposed a payment of fine in the amount of 200 MCI. A number of violations were detected at the international object, in particular, the lack of the required number of CCTV cameras around the perimeter of the object, as well as fence around the building of the transformer station.

"Having studied the materials of the appeal, we found that, firstly, the administrative case considered by an official who is not authorized to consider it by his jurisdiction. Airline company, as a legal entity, is registered in Zerenda area, respectively, the case should have been considered by the district court ", - says head of department for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and reduction of administrative barriers of RCE Rasul Syzdykov.

In addition, the case was considered without participation of the prosecutor’s office. The airline company is a transport object. A category of such cases requires the participation of specialized transport prosecutor’s  office, as one hundred percent shareholder of the object is the state represented by the Committee of State Property and Privatization.

"The arguments set out in the complaint, had been the subject of the investigation in the court. The case against the airline company was terminated The previous decision was cancelled due to newly discovered evidence", - stated the answer of Deputy Chief of Transport Prosecutor’s Office Lyazzat Zhanysova.

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