
There is no need to overpay for electricity

- Kyzylorda Region
8187 просмотров

Lawyers of RCE could prove groundlessness of financial claims of Electric company to the businessman

LLP "ECO-H Service" is the business entity that is under the program "Roadmap of business-2020" implements the project "Collection and recycling of mercury lamps".

This project of the entrepreneur is included in the map of industrialization of the state program of forced industrial-innovative development of the region.

Recently the businessman faced a problem related to electricity, and appealed to the Chamber of entrepreneurs for legal aid. More precisely, LLP "ECO-H Service" received a notification letter about payment for electric power from JSC "KRAK" in the amount of 55 582 kW.

LLP "EKO-H service" is sub-user, whose electrical installation is connected to the power grids of LLP "Orion LTD". However, Kyzylorda REK demanded the payment of debt for the entire amount of energy wired through this electrical network, including the costs of the transformer (transformer loss, loss of lines) since 2012. Recently, electricity was cut off for a few days, which in turn violated the smooth operation of the enterprise ", - says the businessman in his letter.

Lawyers of the Chamber after the thorough study of the matter, addressed to the prosecutor's office, the regional Committee of atomic and energy supervision and control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kyzylorda region for the legal assessment of the actions and decisions of the electricity distribution company.

"By results of the joint work with the responsible state authorities, LLP "ECO-H Service" will not pay for loss of the transformer and line losses, since it bears no responsibility for the condition of networks and electrical equipment of JSC "KRAK" and there are no contracts between LLP "EKO-H Service" and JSC "KRAK", therefore the requirements for payment are unfounded", - said the lawyer of the Chamber Aida Kayupova.

Thanks to the actions, undertaken within the line of the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, LLP "ECO-H service" doesn’t have to pay anything. As a result, the businessman managed to save more than 1 million tenge.

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