
Bureaucratic problems

- Akmola Region
7143 просмотров

Entrepreneurs from different regions face systemic problems in preparation of documents

Kanat Tyulyugunov addressed to Atbasar subsidiary of RCE for assistance. During the registration of documents on the collateral for the loan in the Fund of financial support of agriculture were revealed discrepancies in the constitutive documents of the entrepreneur. In particular, the sales contract had significantly different data of residential and common areas, and these figures were put in time in the real estate registration database.

In addition, incorrect, or rather, non-existent data has been put in the registration certificate to the registered property.

The businessman did not manage to correct the document himself. The experts of the branch of the Chamber explained to him all the flaws of the officials. Moreover, the lawyer of the Business Support Centre literally walked hand in hand with the entrepreneur to the concerned agencies: Real Estate Center, District Department of Justice, CSP, Employment Center and other institutions.

Within one business day, Kanat Tyulyugunov received the necessary amended documents. The Fund accepted the documents of Tyulyugunov, now the only question is the timing of the issuance of the loan.

Anyone can face the negligence. The Regional Chamber in a few years has gained considerable experience in solving the most seemingly hopeless situations. The only pity is that these kind of situations continue to remain widespread.

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