
There is no need in an invoice!

- Akmola Region
11521 просмотров

NCE has settled the contentious issue of one of the largest producers of chicken eggs in the country

LLP "KAZGER-KҮS" appealed to the Regional Chamber with a request to initiate changes in the government decree "On approval of rules of transportation of goods by road with regard to the issuance of a way-bill”.

The company on its KAMAZ was moving eggs from its own factory in Stepnyak to its warehouse in Astana. However, the road transport inspection stopped vehicle. Inspectors detected a violation, explaining that, in accordance with paragraphs 12-18 of the Regulation, the transportation of goods must be accompanied by a way-bill.

Meanwhile, representatives of the company believe that this action is illegal, and in the presence of the way-bill is not required in this case. The document must be presented when the consignor, consignee and carrier are different legal entities.

Experts of the Regional Chamber, having examined the question submitted their proposals to NCE, from where they have sent an inquiry to the Ministry of Investment and Development. The response received from the department completely proved the doubts of the businessman.

In accordance with the Law "On Automobile Transport" haulier – is a natural or legal person owning motor vehicles on the ownership or on other legal grounds, provides services for the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire. "In the case of transportation of goods in the enterprise's own vehicles for its own production needs (e.g. transport of goods from the seller to the warehouse, between its warehouses), the company does not act as a carrier. Therefore, for these types of traffic movement the way-bill is not required", - said the official response of the Vice Minister Berik Kamaliev.

Appropriate clarification on inadmissibility waybill requirements in similar situations, the Ministry sent all are subordinate to territorial.

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