
Won the competition, but didn’t receive a land plot

- North-Kazakhstan Region
8259 просмотров

An entrepreneur from Mamlyut District of NKR found himself in a paradoxical situation

In April, Viktor Golovanov has applied for participation in a tender for the provision of land plots in rent for 10 years, following which he won 5 lots for 5 land plots. This businessman has learned from the local newspaper, where the results of the competition were published.

Later he also received a notice from the State Institution "Department of land relations", according to which it was necessary to sign the contracts and to register the land plots in the cadastre. The head of the farm "Golovanov" performed these requirements. Next according to the "Rules of the organization and conduction of tenders for the provision of land in rent", the local executive body, in particular the rural district akimat of Dubrovinsk rural district had to decide on the allocation of land within 10 days. But the akim has refused to do it. The businessman was more than shocked: after all, the head of the rural district was part of the competition committee and signed the Protocol on its results! The reason for refusal was the following: cows of the residents of the village graze on these pasture. To what he had a reasonable question: If this is pasture for the cattle of the villagers why these land plots were put at the tender as the agricultural land? Why Akim, who was a member of the commission, without notifying everyone about the dilemma, signed a protocol on the results of the competition? However, the answers to these questions remained unanswered.

Viktor Golovanov addressed for assistance to a branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs in Mamlyut District with a request to protect his rights. A long process has started: consultations with staff of the Prosecutor's Office and the Office of the Civil Service. A resident of NKR told about his problem to the Business Ombudsman Bolat Palymbetov.

For the restoration of justice, the experts of the Chamber struggled 2.5 months. Due to the actions of akimat, the entrepreneur has lost the ability to use land for grazing in the summer. Nevertheless, the businessman and local executive bodies managed to reach a consensus. On 17th of August 2016 a decision on the allocation of land was issued. The businessman thanked the Business Ombudsman, a regional Chamber of entrepreneurs and experts of the branch in Mamlyut District for extensive work that has been done to protect his rights and legitimate interests.

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