
Could be left without land

- North-Kazakhstan Region
4351 просмотров

Entrepreneurs from Mamlyut District, who could not get the land plot, which he was due to get after winning the competition, had to address to the Business Ombudsman

An entrepreneur Viktor Golovanov was in a paradoxical situation. In April last year he won 5 lots in the tender for the provision of land for rent for 10 years. This fact is confirmed by the publication of the results of the tender in a local newspaper and a notice from the State Institution "Department of land relations", according to which it was necessary to sign the contracts and to compile cadastral documents for land plots. Viktor Golovanov performed all requirements. He had to wait for 10 days. That's how much time after the publication of the results, according to the "Rules of the organization and conducting competitions in the provision of land for rent for agricultural production", the local executive authority issue a decision on granting the land. However, akimat of Dubrovinsk rural district refused to allocate a land plot. Another paradox is that the head of the rural district was part of the competition committee and signed the Protocol on its results! The businessman, to put it mildly, was shocked. But the absurdity continued. The local authorities argued stated that the land plot is used as a pasture for cows to graze for residents of the village. But if this is so, then why lots were put at the tender as an agricultural land? The question remained unanswered.

Viktor Golovanov addressed to a branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs in Mamlyut District with a request to protect their rights and interests, and then to the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs Bolat Palymbetov. It took 2.5 months from the experts of the Chamber to restore the justice. During this time, the businessman has already lost the ability to use land for grazing in the summer. On 17th of August 2016 the consensus was reached. The businessman thanked the Business Ombudsman, a regional Chamber of entrepreneurs and experts of Mamlyut District branch for the extensive work that has been done to protect his rights and legitimate interests.



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