
Rural akimat of SKR will be prosecuted because of absence of children at the kindergarden

- City of Shymkent
6342 просмотров

NCE solved the problem between rural akimat and pre-school organization. The National Chamber received an appeal from LLP "Kindergarden "Kalamas azhe" with a complaint about the actions of the akim of one of the rural districts of the South Kazakhstan region. According to the contract between the akimat of the rural district and the pre-school education organization of "Kindergarden "Kalamasas azhe "LLP, the latter renders services in the implementation of the state educational order. As part of the agreement, the kindergarden provided services in the amount of 1 485 000 KZT for July 2016 and for the same amount in August 2016 at the rate of 14 850 KZT for 1 child (the number of children is 100). The Akimat has withheld a part of the money, due to the absence of some children in the days of inspections. Meanwhile, the businessman said that some of the children were absent due to illness, and also because of the provision of annual leave for parents. In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 12 of the Model Rules for the Operation of Pre-School Organizations, approved by Government Decree No. 499 on May 17, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the Model Regulations), the child retains a place in the pre-school organization in cases of: illness of the child; treatment and rehabilitation of the child in medical, sanatorium-resort and other organizations; granting one of the parents or legal representatives a labor leave; improvement of the child in the summer period for up to two months. In the absence of children by the reasons indicated above, the amounts payable to LLP "Kindergarden "Kalamyas azhe" according to the state educational order, should not be withheld. On 24th of November 2016, in response to the appeal of the National Chamber and bringing the above arguments to the Education Department of the South Kazakhstan region, it was reported that the akimat's debt to LLP "Kindergarden "Kalamasas azhe” was repaid. Actions of the akim of the rural district caused damage to the entrepreneur, and the unlawfulness of the akim's actions to withhold funds is confirmed by the fact that the services provided were eventually paid for. And on 13th of December 2016, the National Chamber sent a letter to the Agency on Civil Service and Anti-Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan, asking bringing to bring akim to legal responsibility. The Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau for the South Kazakhstan region provided a response that violations in the actions of the akimat officials were identified, disciplinary material regarding the akim of the rural district will be considered at the Ethics Council. It should be added that on 15th of November 2016, the Rules for the placement of a state educational order for the training of specialists with technical and professional, post-secondary, higher and postgraduate education, taking into account the labor market requirements, preparatory departments of higher educational institutions, as well as pre-school education and training were approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 29th of January  2016 No. 122, a number of changes were introduced. In case of per capita financing of the state educational order by the customer, the cost of services for preschool education and education of children is paid in the following cases: 1) children attending a pre-school organization permanently, without a pass; 2) children who were absent from the pre-school organization within three working days on the basis of the application of one of the parents (the legal representative of the child); 3) children who were absent for reasons: illness, treatment, health improvement of the child in medical, sanatorium-resort and other organizations (when providing a certificate), granting one of the parents (the legal representative of the child) leave for work and improving the child in summer for up to two months (If there is an application).

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