
How to prepare children for a successful future

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International Academy in Kyzylorda helps to prepare children for a successful future. The branch of the international educational Academy Fastrackids has opened and functions in Kyzylorda since November 2016. The center that provides services to children has attracted specialists only in the chosen direction, but other services: legal, accounting, Information technology services are received at no cost at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs as part of the provision of services. Head of the Center Galina Tsoy expressed her gratitude to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs for the quality of provision of services in the organization. She said that due to the application to the Chamber's services, she saved money and time. About the International Childrens Academy Fastrackids – it is a large-scale educational program designed for children from 1.5 years old and up. More specifically, in the translation Fastrackids are "children quickly marching forward". Within the framework of this program more than 30 thousand children from 52 countries of the world are trained. The General Staff of the International Education Academy Fastrackids is located in the USA in the city of Denver. The program is translated into the languages ​​of 19 countries. Representation of the International Education Academy Fastrackids was opened in 2008 in Kazakhstan and today there are 28 academies in 18 towns of our country. The program teaches in English, Russian and Kazakh. The Academy in Kyzylorda was opened in November 2016. This is a huge achievement, as it is a socially significant project. Its purpose is to prepare children for a successful future. The Academy's programs are aimed at the comprehensive development of children's creative, social, and communicative skills. The Children's Academy Fastrackids in Kyzylorda accepts children from 1.5 years old and develops in 3 directions. "Our main goal is to improve the world around us, to provide children with new opportunities, awakening their desire for knowledge, forging the basis for further education, developing leadership skills in them", says the head of the Center, Galina Tsoi. What is the feature of the program Fastrackids? The lesson is based on computer programs, the mastering of materials is carried out through computer technology, a projector and an interactive whiteboard. Teachers can use multimedia video films, sounds, different illustrations, children interact directly with the board, they move objects, letters, pictures on the board. The application of the interactive whiteboard evokes in children an interest in knowledge, it helps deep and rapid development of the topic, it increases the productivity of the class. Children are very active at these lessons. In the Academy, children study astronomy, biology, mathematics, earth science, theater, art, paleontology, entertaining chemistry, etc. In addition, conducting cognitive experiments, they get acquainted with the structure of the environment. Children feel completely free, the lesson is conducted in the form of a zig-zag, that is, it is not allowed for children to become tired and for this purpose the lesson is held in different forms. They learn English at the Academy Fastrackids since the age of 4. The peculiarity of this program is to work with a virtual teacher, i.e. interactive whiteboard speaks exclusively in English, children hear, see, work with bright pictures, which raises the level of mastering the material.

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