
Pharmacy of Kazakhstan: Quality above all!

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"Atameken" raises the question of the establishment of the internal mechanisms of regulation of quality in the pharmaceutical industry

Quality of medicines and medical products, manufactured by the domestic producers and supplied within the unified distribution system, all these topics were discussed at the workshop of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of RK, the National Center for examination of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment, LLP "SK-Pharmacy" Scientific and Practical Center of Transfusion, the Association of manufacturers of pharmaceutical and medical products "FarmMedIndustria Kazakhstan" and domestic manufacturers of drugs and medical devices.

At the meeting was examined the application of LLP "SK-Pharmacy" on the delivery of medicines and medical devices, that do not meet quality requirements. There also delivered brief report on the measures taken by domestic manufacturers to identify the causes of defects and to eliminate the consequences of supply of substandard products.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken", together with the business community decided to establish a permanent commission to address issues, to improve the quality of production of medicines, medical products. There was set a task to establish internal control at the enterprises of domestic manufacturers of pharmaceutical products.

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