
The National Bank has changed the exchange rate of KZT

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Today, at a press briefing at the Service of Central Communications the chairman of the National Bank Kairat Kelimbetov announced an increase of the corridor for the exchange rate of KZT to dollar

"We believe that the policy of the currency corridor is the most optimal and pragmatic. But given the fact that the exchange rate against the dollar almost reached the upper limit and in order to further ensure more flexible exchange rate and a smooth transition within the medium term to inflation targeting, the National Bank has decided to broaden the exchange rate fluctuations from the current 185 plus 3 minus 15 to 185 plus 13 minus 15 ", - said Kelimbetov.

"We believe that the new corridor that would be adopted under the current planning policy, will serve us well for quite a long time", - he said.

Kelimbetov said that the new corridor rate of KZT to dollar will be applied as of today.

Zhanar Birlikkyzy

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