
Сonsulted with "Atameken" and decided

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The Government of Kazakhstan establishes a system of guarantees for tourists

The rules of game for the travel agencies and tour companies that provide services of outbound tourism for Kazakhstani residents will be strickened. More precisely, there will be established balance between the representatives of the tourist business and their customers. This was announced today at a briefing at the office of the Service of Central Communications by the Minister for Investment and Development Asset Issekeshev.

Commenting on the situation with the bankruptcy of individual travel agencies in the past and this year, the minister said that "we have helped citizens to return home, a complicated situation has been resolved".

"With regard to the systematic measures, this year we want to strike a balance between the interests of tour operators, travel agencies and the public. It is clear that the tour operators and companies, as a small medium-sized businesses, have preferential legal regulation, but our population is suffering", - said A. Issekeshev.

In this regard, the Ministry proposes to use the experience of Great Britain, and to strengthen the responsibility of tour operators and companies that send Kazakhstani residents abroad.

"Travel companies as well as banks and mortgage construction companies, should be rigidly licensed, or make any deposit to ensure that our people will not be affected. Of course, it would introduced changes to the market of tour operators ", - predicted the Minister.

Asset Issekeshev told to prepare for it. "The interests of our population should be above everything. This work we do with NCE "Atameken" and discuss it with a number of ministries. "According to the Minister for Investment and Development, this year the law will be developed and adopted”.

"Next year, during a new tourist season should be no incidents of this kind", - concluded the Minister.

Commenting on the situation with the development of domestic tourism, Asset Issekeshev noted an increase of tourists.

"Last week I held discussions with the regions. Now Alakol has over 80 resorts and recreation centers, the places are overcrowded, even neighboring houses along the coast are being rented out. All the motels and resorts of the Caspian Sea are crowded too. Burabai, Balkhash - a lot of places", - said the Minister.

In this regard, the Minister added that domestic tourism program will be adjusted using the "unprecedented action" and support the development of the example of the leading travel powers, including the construction of transport infrastructure.

"We must create the conditions for transport access to internal tourist sites and resorts for all the citizens of Kazakhstan", - stated A. Issekeshev.

Zhanar Birlikkyzy

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