
Eurasian agribusiness: a course on competitiveness

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A new stage of development of agriculture of member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union comes

Agrarians of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) gathered in Moscow to solve the urgent problems of further development in the context of growing competition with the European Union.

The Commission under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, with the support of the Eurasian Economic Commission, held a round table, which was attended by 60 representatives from the countries of the EAEU. In the speeches, it was noted that "the expansion of international cooperation and economic integration creates new opportunities for the business environment". However, the dynamics of integration processes requires improved mechanisms on the part of the business community of the Member States of EAEU and its interaction with the Eurasian Economic Commission.

As is known, on May 21, 2015 in Kazakhstan within Astana Economic Forum VIII was signed an agreement to establish on the basis of the Belarusian-Kazakh-Russian business dialogue (the format that existed in December 2010) the Business Council of the Eurasian Economic Union. Its main task - is coordination of the positions of the business community of the EAEU with state bodies of the Union, dialogue between business representatives of Member States and their involvement in all-round cooperation.

Business Council will contribute to the development of trade and economic relations, industrial and financial cooperation in the framework of the EAEU, increase the competitiveness of national economies. In its terms of reference and identifying barriers, exclusions and restrictions of mutual access to the markets of the Member States.

The roundtable participants noted that further development of agriculture of the Member States of EAEU is in mutual beneficial international cooperation, taking into account the new conditions related to both the integration process and the internal development of the individual member states, and foreign situation.

The participants of the roundtable attached importance to the horizontal alignment of the links between national business associations, who can come up with a consolidated position to the regulators of EAEU.

A key factor for the integration process in the field of agriculture is creation and effective functioning of the Eurasian technology platforms in the agricultural sector of the Member States of  EAEU. They should serve as a link and coordinator of relations between the authorities, the scientific community, business, government, public and non-profit organizations.

It was recommended to intensify cooperation with the competent authorities and the Eurasian Economic Commission in consultation to develop priorities for sectoral integration in the agricultural sector of the Member States of  EAEU (grain, sugar, vegetable oil, meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, etc.).

Roundtable participants agreed to prepare proposals for the harmonization of legislation and regulatory framework for the functioning of individual industries and agribusiness markets within EAEU. There was made a suggestion to form a list of priority pilot agro-projects for priority implementation on the basis of intergovernmental cooperation in the framework of the EAEU, to develop a set of measures to ensure the support mechanisms and funding sources.

Farmers of the Eurasian Union propose to consider organization and implementation of innovative cooperative projects prepared by the Eurasian Economic Commission, in cooperation with the Association "Technologies of food and processing industries AIC - healthy food" and consortium "Eurasian biotechnology platform" and send offers to potential partners of the Member States of EAEU.

Parties insists on the need to conduct work on participation in the International Agricultural Exhibition and holding joint events on topical issues of development of the branches of agriculture and agri-food markets.

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