
Retailers of EAEU unite

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Representatives of the major retail chains of EAEU are going to develop common rules of conduct on the market

The delegation from Kazakhstan will take part in the summit of the enterprises of retail trade and industry, which will be held on September 24-25 in Moscow. It is expected that within the summit will be held retail Assembly of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The purpose of this event is to create a supranational union - Eurasian Federation of Retail.

According to its creators, the Federation will serve as a platform for coordination of cooperation at the supranational level on the development of the rules of fair competition, and cooperation in eliminating administrative and other barriers to business development.

This was announced in July at the meeting of heads of Kazakhstan's leading retail and developer’s companies, which took place in the office of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan in Almaty "Atameken". At the meeting, was discussed in detail the project of formation of a supranational entrepreneurial association of the retail business in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union and the participation of the Kazakhstan retail business in it, the meeting was chaired by the head of the secretariat of the committee of trade NCE Zhibek Azhibaeva. The meeting discussed the goals, objectives, and the main directions of the priority projects of the future federation.

"Kazakhstani retail association sees new possibilities for removing barriers to business development and to promotion of the interests of modern trade in the Eurasian Economic Commission",  - said co-organizer of the meeting, Managing Director “B2B Conference Group” (BBCG-Kazakhstan) Alexey Filatov.

According to the participants, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" will play a key role in the new integration association.

"By combining leaders of non-profit organizations - the Association of Retailers of Kazakhstan, the Association of  Retail of Astana, the heads of the leading managers of networks and commercial buildings - will present a consolidated position of trading business of Kazakhstan in the Eurasian Federation of Retail. Thus, we can with full responsibility protect the interests of domestic business, and to work on improvement of the EAEC as a space for business! "- Said the head of the secretariat of the committee of trade NCE RK Zhibek Azhibaeva.

The event was attended by leaders of "Concern Tsesna-Astyk", "Mega-network", Holding “M-Line Property Management”, a group of companies “Meloman”,  LLP "Italian Villa", as well as president of the Retailers Association of Kazakhstan Vasiliy Gorevoi.


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