
There will be no Illegal schemes

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Removal of the control on the Kazakh-Kyrgyz border will not lead to the uncontrolled export of goods, assured the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan

After the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the EAEU, the attempts to smuggle Chinese goods to Kazakhstan under the guise of Kyrgyz are not excluded. Such an opinion at a briefing in the Service of Central Communications expressed Head of Office of organization of the work checkpoints of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan Kairat Maubaev.

"Sure, there are pros and cons of joining Kyrgyzstan to the EAEU",  - he said.  Kairat Maubaev noted that "it is, indeed, a large economic area, where they can move freely finance and goods, as well as many simplifications for the workforce”.

"As for the re-export of goods, there are certain concerns that Chinese goods under the guise of Kyrgyz may again come to Kazakhstan", - said the representative of the Ministry of Finance.

At the same time the Ministry of Finance assured that Kazakhstan will carry "a clear monitoring and mutual exchange of information between customs authorities of the Member States of EAEU".

"We will monitor this process, keep track of what traffic flows cross, down to every customs post our Kyrgyz colleagues we can see what everyone makes out and any measures on its part will still take", - assured Maubaev.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance prepared the necessary recommendations on the regulation of trade policy for the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan, which is in charge of this area, followed by a discussion of the proposals on the scale of the EAEU.

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