
Recycling of packaging: Pros and Cons

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Will the packaging manufacturers pay for its disposal?

This issue was discussed at the third session of the Sub-Committee of the packaging industry of the Committee of the manufacturing industry NCE RK "Atameken".

The Deputy Secretariat of the Committee of AIC NCE RK Myrzakhmet Uksikbaev noted that the food industry can’t exist without the packaging industry. The program "Agribusiness 2020" doesn’t list this industry among priority ones. The SPFIID includes it, however, according to the experts, there is no analysis of the situation in the industry.

"For agribusiness this is a plus, because the production of farmers is export-oriented. It will be impossible to sell our goods without a good packaging. But, regardless of the direction in which the packaging industry program will be included, it is necessary to work out specific measures to support the industry", - said M.Uksikbaev.

In turn, Deputy Secretariat of the Committee of manufacturing industry NCE RK  Batyrbek Aubakirov noted that the Secretariat has included the packaging industry in the program "Agribusiness 2020", which is now under consideration in the Mazhilis,.

The issue of payment for utilization  was discussed as well. According to Adil Mergenbaev, Head of the Secretariat of information and communication technologies and green technologies, as part of the bill "On the green economy" was introduced a new term "extended producer responsibility", according to which will be levied a fee for recycling on the producers for potential garbage (waste container).

"This fee is supposed to cover the automotive and food industries. Currently the bill is being reviewed in the Mazhilis. Position of NCE in this issue: the payment of utilization fee should make final manufacturers, not the packers and producers of packaging, and this applies both to domestic and foreign producers", - said Adil Mergenbaev.

The expert noted that the producers paying the recycling fee will get subsidies from the state for reimbursement of their expenses. Meanwhile, the recycling fee is compulsory in the automotive industry. "Food industry workers" are given dispensation until 2018.

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