
In EAEU countries vehicles can be imported for six months

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EEC simplifies the conditions of temporary import of private vehicles to the territory of the EAEU Member States

The Decision of Board of the Eurasian Economic Union "On some issues of temporary import of vehicles for personal use" will come into effect on 19th of September. It will simplify the temporary import of vehicles to the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

Earlier, an initial period of temporary import of vehicles, which was set by the customs officers, was up to three months. Thus, the failure to export the car, for whatever reasons, before the expiration of the term, which was set by the customs authorities, relied mandatory payment of customs duties and taxes, in some cases comparable to the cost of a car of the middle class. In addition, there was envisaged administrative liability under the laws of the country in which a vehicle was declared during the import.

The decision of the Board of EEC, dated by August 18, 2015, abolishes the mandatory requirement of the customs authorities on the initial three month term of temporary import of vehicles. The adopted decision will make it possible to eliminate the need to apply to the customs authorities, which are often located at a sufficient distance from the location of the citizen, to prolong the period of temporary admission. The period of temporary import should be established for each particular case, depending on the length of stay of citizens in the territory of the Union, up to the maximum period of temporary admission. For the citizens of the Union, such a period is six months, for foreign citizens one year.

In addition, the decision of the Board of EEC provides that even with an expired temporary import (but within the maximum), you can export a vehicle without payment of customs duty.

Similar approaches will affect already exported vehicles from the customs territory of the Union if it was exported –there is no need to pay.

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