
Timur Kulibayev “Aktau is a city of great business opportunities”

- Mangistau Region
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Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" came with a working visit to Aktau.

At a meeting with the business community, Timur Kulibayev said that tourism is one of the priorities of the city, because there is a sea in ​​Aktau, there are no more such opportunities in Kazakhstan.

"The concept of development of tourism of the Ministry of Tourism, which was approved by the Government, stipulates that Mangistau region is a priority region in the development of tourism. And not only Aktau but also the resort and the recreation area Kenderlі, etc.", - said Timur Kulibayev.

"Now it is clear that there is no much money in the first place, all funds will be directed to the fulfillment of social obligations. There are institutes of development, it is necessary to prepare projects and work on them. It is time to do business, we must engage in it so as it could generate income, rather than be a headache for entrepreneurs, Akimat and the state ", - concluded the head of the Presidium of the NCE.

According to Timur Kulibayev, Mangistau region has a huge potential. And the Head of State has designated the task - the development of transport and logistic potential of the region. As it is known, the northern part of the international sea trade port of Aktau is being expanded. In Kuryk started construction of terminal facilities, roads are being built, the railroad to Turkmenistan and further in the direction of Iran. The road has almost been completed.

"Speaking about the development of the Silk Road, one of the areas that will come from the People's Republic of China to Europe and the Persian Gulf, this is development of sea transport and railroad transport through the Mangistau region. Therefore, there should a lot of services that provide transport and logistics. There are three large clusters, where you need to focus on: it is the oil industry and the services around it. Service around the oil - it is a huge business. It is necessary to see what can be developed, the services have to be of very high quality ", - Timur Kulibayev expressed his opinion.

He also requested to pay attention to the fact that in the region operate joint ventures, foreign companies, who are accustomed to a certain level of service. "This is not only the direct oil operations, drilling or support, this is the production of various solutions, chemicals, a variety of other services", - said T. Kulibayev.

The head of the Presidium of the NCE RK noted that "quite often one region is not enough, so it is necessary to come up with proposals in other regions".

"As for tourism it is necessary to work on it. Aktau is one of the most beautiful cities of Kazakhstan. Head of State set a task before the Government, Akimat and business. Let's get prepared. Tough times will pass, and we will adapt to it, it means as far as possible we should set to work and then it is necessary to implement the necessary projects gradually. If business constantly asks: "Give-give!" Subsidies, no taxes, etc., to be honest, in this situation it is hard to cooperate. You said let Akimat build the road and connect the engineering networks to the infrastructure, and the rest business will do - this is a fair offer. You see, it is honest ", - continued Timur Kulibayev.

The head of the Presidium of NCE also believes that the region can develop medical tourism, because there are conditions for it. For example, recently there was built a hospital in the area, which is unique in the republic. Now the main thing is to establish normal service and management.

"In the future it will demonstrate  how PPP system works, because now with its capacity it can take state orders. And not only from your region, but also from all over Kazakhstan. And maybe not far off the times, when the tourists from other countries will come for medical tourism. This is also a kind of business, it is general knowledge that many people nowadays go to South Korea. They call it the Ministry of the medical industry, they provide services. They built quality infrastructure, educated staff, bought good, provide great service, and people go there. This is also a business", - said Timur Kulibayev.

According to him, in many countries, the medical business is one of the best, because there is a state order, there are premiums.

"But now, given the changes that are underway in medicine, that have been created an insurance fund, public services will be minimal, basic package too. Anything further is the part of employers, we are going to pay up to 5% for the employees, they only then will decide, where to get medical service. Huge possibilities open up", - concluded the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK.

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