
Gani Kasymov of his book: "It is understanding of what we have experienced"

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"My life through the eyes of journalists" - the so-called first book of a prominent politician, head of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of the NCE RK "Atameken" Gani Kasymov.

Today, the book was presented in Astana. A documentary about Gani Esengeldinovich "My life through the eyes of relatives and friends" was also presented to the attention of the public. The presentation will be held in Almaty on 9th of October.

According to Kasimov, the book consists of materials of domestic media: his interviews, publications with his comments.

"The book tells recent history: the pages, when we were all in the same family of the people of the USSR, the collapse of the Soviet Union and independent way of Kazakhstan up to now, that is 70s, 80s, 90s. This chronology can be traced through the life of a young man, myself. There is no work of the author, all is expressed through the drama of the events that we have experienced ", - he said.

"In this book I describe only the things that I saw personally, in which I took part, which I have experienced from start to finish, and all this is supported by documentary photos. (...) My generation, people of my age worked half of their life in the Soviet Union. We are witnesses of two eras: the era of socialism and the era of market relations. It is an effort of reflection and analysis of what we have already experienced", - said the author.

The head of the Civil Alliance Erimbetov Nurlan, who led the presentation, said that the book will affect a very wide range of issues. "I am very pleased that all these interviews, stories of Ghani Esengeldinovich cover not only his job or profession, where we are talking about the market and about the customs and internal moral problems, and the external information influence on our country and on opposition. And some of the ideas expressed by him during his entry into Parliament, I regard as very tough, but a clear and correct assessment of both society and the authorities, and ordinary people", - he said.

Erimbetov praised the work of Gani Kasymov, stating that it is worth while reading it.

"Many people give me their books about themselves. I will check it: pictures and stories about how he had met with the secretary of the district committee, how he visited the wedding of the deputy chairman of the district executive committee, how he traveled for vocation to Sochi. And when I collect dozens of books, I clean my personal library once a year, putting everything in a bag and giving it away to public libraries, schools, etc. But I will keep this book, because everyone must read it", - he said.

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