
The new Labour Code is a step towards improvement of investment attractiveness of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Members of the International Coordinating Council of Employers noted enviable conditions for investors in Kazakhstan

The regular meeting of MICCE was held in Astana as last year Kazakhstan  chaired the Council. Today NCE and the Confederation of Employers of Kazakhstan passed the powers to Bulgaria.

In general, the participants shared their experience in the regulation of social and labor relations, spoke about the innovations that have been introduced in the industry in their countries.

"We really need such events, because  we need to compare, to take the best practices of other countries. The participants from Bulgaria shared very interesting experience. They rate of investment attractiveness of each region: those governors who have very low levels of investment, are leaving their posts. This work is carried out by employers, they estimate. The Government seriously treats this issue", - said the deputy chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev.

He also noted the experience of the Russian Federation in the field of human capital development and the dual education.

"In Russia employers established the Council on improvement of the skills of specialists, and they do a lot of work on development of professional standards. We would like representatives of the Government to copy this experience, because we have repeatedly raised the issue that professional standards should be developed directly by employers, industry associations. It seems that the decision was made that in 2016 we move to such a system. I think this is a very important breakthrough, because currently the professional standards are developed by strange consulting companies, which often simply do not understand this", - said the representative of the NCE.

"Colleagues here have recognized that the investment attractiveness of Kazakhstan is very high, and the measures taken by the Government within the framework of attracting investment from abroad, are very serious. There were even made statements that Kazakhstan advanced ahead in this regard", - said Altaev.

He noted that a number of recent reforms on pension contributions, medical insurance, as well as changes in tax laws "do not improve the investment attractiveness of Kazakhstan".

"It is clear that there is a social responsibility of employers, they realize that they need to invest in human capital, the company will bear the cost of this plan, but right now, when the world economy is unstable, the burden will be considerable", - said the representative of NCE.

In addition, Altaev said that the new Labour Code also has a positive impact on the image of Kazakhstan among investors.

"If before everything was very much been regulated, and the employer had no powers to fire or to prosecute a negligent employee, now the new Labour Code passes this decision down to the level of collective bargaining, which will negotiate it with trade unions and employers. We believe that this is another step in improvement of investment attractiveness", - he concluded.

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