
The costs of industrial enterprises will be compensated

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The program "Productivity - 2020" provides support measures to domestic business

Under this program, industrial companies may receive reimbursement of incurred expenses:

• develop a comprehensive plan to obtain lease financing of 50%, but not more than 2 million tenge;

• development and / or examination of the feasibility study for the projects of the Industrialization Map - 50%, but not more than 15 million tenge (reimbursement of incurred costs during the 12 months prior to the date of application within the program);

• staff training, including abroad (retraining, training, requalification, intership of engineering - technical staff, top - managers) - 40%, but not more than 2 million tenge (reimbursement of incurred costs during the six months prior to the date of submission of an application to the operator of the program);

• attracting foreign experts - 40%, but not more than 9 million tenge (reimbursement of incurred costs during the 12 months prior to the date of application within the program);

• conduction of technical diagnostics of an enterprise - 50%, but not more than 8 million tenge for small and medium enterprises, not more than 16 mllion tenge for large enterprises (reimbursed costs incurred during the six months prior to the date of application within the program);

• conduction of a technological audit, energy audit, consulting in the sphere of information technology, preparation of an engineering design and solutions, finding new designs, technologies, equipment and identify opportunities for their application in the workplace, for the services of security, maintenance and management of the normal course of the process of production and sales, the development of industrial design - 40%, but not more than 30 million tenge (reimbursement of incurred costs during the six months prior to the date of application within the program);

• development of a plan and implementation of advanced management and production technology (automated control systems, energy efficiency and green technologies, standards, project management, Lean, Kaizen, TPM, ERP, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), project management, research, development and innovation, information technology, energy - and environmental management) - 40%, but not more than 5 million tenge (for a plan) and not more than 15 million tenge (for implementation) (reimbursed costs incurred during the six months prior to the date of application within the program).

The program is open to enterprises operating at least 1 year in the priority sectors of the economy, according to the application program.

Lease financing and payment of the costs for the development of an integrated plan to lease financing can receive all the companies (including start - up projects), operating in the above mentioned sectors.

Materials of the program (legal documents, presentations, etc.) are placed on the official website of “KIDI”

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