
30 enterprises to participate in the contest "Altyn Sapa" have been selected

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The work of an expert group to review the materials of the republican competition-exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan" has started today

According to the schedule, today will be reviewed the materials of the contest for the prize of the President "Altyn Sapa" in all three categories: "Best enterprise for production purposes", "The best enterprise producing goods for the population" and "Best Enterprise of service industry". Today, a committee has selected 153 applications, 10 most competitive enterprises in each category.

The expert group will work until 7th of November to review the materials of the republican competition-exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan" in three categories: "Best industrial goods", "The best goods for the population" and "Best soft commodities". 144 enterprises - winners of the regions are involved in the contest.

After reviewing the materials of the contest "Best Product of Kazakhstan" and the final meeting, the Commission for awarding the laureates and winners under the Presidential Administration will select the final winners of both competitions.

"This year the National Chamber of entrepreneurs is the organizer of the competition, in this regard the composition of the expert commission has changed to 80%. If before it was composed of representatives of state bodies, now it consists of the heads of industry associations. Two state body are also involved in it - the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan ", - said Madina Mukatova.

The Commission reviewing the materials of "Altyn Sapa" is divided into three groups in three categories, each of which is headed by the deputy chairman of the NCE. Among them are: Nurzhan Altaev, Yuliya Yakupbaeva and Gulnar Kurbanbaeva. The experts, who select the best companies, have extensive experience in various fields of business. For the first time, experts from industry associations, such as the Republican Association of mining and metallurgical and mining enterprises of Kazakhstan Association of conformity assessment bodies, Association of Legal Entities "Union of Grain Processors of Kazakhstan" and others are involved in the process.

Director of the Department of Social and Labor Relations Saltanat Abdikarimova spoke in detail about the application procedure and criteria for selecting participants.

"To participate in the competition it is necessary to apply to the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Until 1st of September, Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs conducted regional stages of the contest "Best Product of Kazakhstan". Documents for the "Altyn Sapa" were collected until 15th of September", - she said.

According to Abdikarimova, the most difficult for the competitors - is to make a detailed report on self-assessment of the enterprise. "It is necessary to prepare for it. And for this purpose, Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs will hold training seminars every year in June. This year we held them in all regions. Anyone can attend these seminars and receive a certificate upon its competition. After the training, it is very easy to prepare a report", - said the director of the department.

She also added that the presence of quality management certificate ISO 9000, ISO 12000, ISO 18000 or ISO 26000 is also taken into account. “If you aim at stable, standardized results, then it is crucial to implement these management systems. And it is compulsory to have work experience of at least 3 years at the market. Companies that are on the market less than 3 years  loose points to the companies which are present at the market longer", - stressed Abdikarimova.

Director of the Department also noted that the NCE urges business not to exert pressure on the members of the commission.

"We stand for objectivity. There are companies who write official letters about themselves, call to the management. We are delighted that the competition is so interesting, but we still want the participants to adhere to fair competition", - she said.

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