
Copyright: where, how and for what?

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The Ministry of Justice has developed a booklet for service receivers at state bodies for registration of rights on works that are protected by copyright

A service receiver (i.e. a person who intends to obtain copyright) sends application to the Ministry of Justice for registration of the product. The booklet specifies a list of documents required for registration of rights for literary works, scientific works, dramatic scenario; for music; choreographic works, pantomimes, audiovisual works; for works of architecture, urban planning and design; garden art; the works of painting, sculpture, graphics, fine and applied arts; on the photographic works and works obtained by processes similar to photography, as well as maps, plans, drawings, sketches, illustrations and three-dimensional works relating to geography, topography and other sciences; the registration of rights for software.

After that the employees of the Ministry of Justice register the application, which is then submitted for consideration to the Department of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice.

Within 10 days, employees of the Ministry of Justice check whether all documents are presented together with the application and whether they were correctly filled in. Registering of a copyright can be done after 20 days from the date of submission of the application, however, after receiving a certificate by mail or a letter with a reasoned refusal.

The booklet for registration of intellectual property can be found here.

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