
Goods returned, money must be returned to the homeland as well!

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NCE RK appealed to business Ombudsman of the Russian Federation to address the problem of the Kazakh businessmen

Individual entrepreneur Aigerim Oralbaeva ordered fluorescent products from a Russian company "Technology of light" that turned out to be defective. She returned the order back for which she has already paid the full amount. However, she didn’t get her money back. Trying to solve this problem, the entrpreneur appealed to the Arbitration Court of Astrakhan region and won the trial. The court ruled to collect money from the company "Technology of light" in the amount of more than one million rubles, but now the entrepreneur faced with a new problem - the red tape in the enforcement of the court ruling. With intervention of NCE RK the situation has moved from the dead point.

The Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the Astrakhan region in response to an appeal of NCE RK informed about the violations detected by the prosecutor's office of the Astrakhan region. Thus, the Soviet District Department of Bailiff handed too late the court ruling to the bailiff, which resulted in a delay in enforcement proceedings.

As a result, the prosecutor's office has sent a petition to the head of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Astrakhan region. Enforcement proceedings are not yet completed, thus, the National Chamber continues to monitor the enforcement of the court ruling.

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