
The principle document for construction companies

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The technological chart for construction industry is being developed in Kazakhstan

NCE RK "Atameken" asks construction community to take an active part in the discussion of the draft order of the minister of the national economy of Kazakhstan "On approval of the state standard for the development, coordination, approval and content of technological charts in construction".

Technological chart along with the project of organization of construction and the project of works is the main organizational and technological document in construction.

Technological chart contains a set of measures for the organization of labor for the most efficient use of modern mechanization, technological equipment, tools and devices. The process map includes the most advanced and efficient methods of construction technologies that reduce time and improve the quality of work, reduce the costs. Technological chart provides not only cost-effective and high quality safe performance of work, but also contains regulations and safety rules.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan received a draft order of the Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan "On approval of the State standard for the development, coordination, approval and content of technological charts in construction” for a quick expert review.

Given the importance and relevance of the draft legal act, as well as the expression of the consolidated position of business by NCE, please send your comments and suggestions with reasons until November 10, 2015 to the e-mail of an officer of the Secretariat of the Committee of construction, production of building materials and housing of NCE RK “Atameken”: with a note - "Regarding technological charts"

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