
You can’t buy health

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NCE RK "Atameken" asks businessmen to take part in the discussion of the draft of state health program "Densaulyk"

As you know, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Kazakhstan developed a draft of state health program "Densaulyk" for 2016-2019 years.

By the results of consideration of the draft of state health program by business community, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK has sent an expert opinion with comments and suggestions.

The draft of the state health program of the Ministry of Health was finalized with the supposed application of earlier sent comments by NCE RK.

However, as it was noted by representative of NCE, the Chamber received an amended draft of the state health program.

Previously sent proposals of  NCE RK on improvement of the provision of dental care, the creation of a pilot model of a PPP project in cooperation with the competent authorities, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the NMH "Baiterek", the conclusion of the state order for the provision of health services for 3 years weren’t incorporated in this edition, they say at the NCE.

In addition, the draft of state health program did not reflect the development of science, research, training of nursing staff, although these issues are relevant to improving the quality of health care and innovation.

NCE also offered to harmonize a section dedicated to the introduction of compulsory health insurance with the draft law "On compulsory social health insurance".

Therefore, NCE RK kindly asks businessmen to get acquainted with the new version of the draft of the state health program and to submit your comments and suggestions.

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