
Build by the principle of a "single window"

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The Uniform national document for the issuance of initial permits for the construction sector will be adopted by 1st of January 1 2016

The Working Group established at the suggestion of NCE is engaged in the development of this document on the basis of the Association of real estate developers of Kazakhstan. The group includes representatives of the NCE RK, the Committee for Construction, Housing and Land Management of MNE RK, professional associations, local government offices and construction companies.

According to the developers, this document will provide a detailed normative regulation of the whole construction process from the time of initial application to a state agency to the time of commissioning. It also provides a clear timeline for consideration of documents by the authorized bodies and their subordinate organizations, the implementation of the principle of "single window" to minimize the contact of businesses with state officials and completely eliminate their contact with the quasi-public sector, affiliated agencies and organizations, as well as the different LLP, JSC , RSE, etc. It is supposed that it will unify disparate government standards and regulations, the contents of which will be included in the Regulation, thus established the general rules for all procedures. The document also stipulates elimination of unnecessary, duplicative authorization documents.

In September this year, there was released a draft order of the Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan "On approval of the rules for organization of construction and passage of licensing procedures in construction", which is currently under negotiation with the relevant industry associations and state bodies.

The Government of Kazakhstan has set a deadline of adopting a single national document for the issuance of initial permits in the construction sector - up to January 1, 2016.

In early August, NCE "Atameken" expressed the consolidated position of the construction community on the need for the branch codified act on the construction and urban planning, as agreed with the Ministry of National Economy of the RK on the need for its development within the conceptual plan of lawmaking activities in the years 2017-2021.

In this regard, the adoption of the Rules of organization of construction and passage of licensing procedures in the construction industry in the near future is urgent and necessary step in the modernization of the legislative framework of the construction industry of Kazakhstan.

NCE requests to participate actively in discussions on the draft order of the Minister.

As you know, the process of building object requires on average 50 permits (permits, notifications, approvals, opinions, etc.), more than 260 signatures, and takes about 500 days, which in turn affects the timing of the beginning and the completion of the construction, cost in the end.

There are different construction rules in the regions, which are developed by the local executive bodies, respectively, the procedure and timeframe for completion of the procedures in each region is different.

In preparation of the construction rules it is necessary to unify the content of disparate government standards and regulations, including the content of the rules, therefore, to establish common rules for all the procedures with the principle of "single window" (preferably Centres for Servicing Population).

According to NCE RK, the main cause of this problematic issue is the lack of a clear regulatory process of the construction process from the receipt of the land until the commissioning of the constructed object.

According to the Minutes of the meeting held under the chairmanship of the First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan B. Sagintayev on May 30, 2015 # 17/5, Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan jointly with NCE (as agreed) to analyze the normative legal acts on the advisability of adopting a single regulatory legal act regulating the construction industry.

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