
The first heads of leading business communities of EAEU countries will meet in Minsk

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Minsk will host the first meeting of the Business Council of the Eurasian Economic Union on 26th of November of this year.

The Agreement on Business Council was signed on May 21 this year in Astana in the framework of the VIII Astana Economic Forum.

This initiative was launched by the Republic of Kazakhstan as a platform for interaction between business circles of the Member States of the Union in the conditions of the extended-format of integration.

It is planned that the participants of the first meeting of the Presidium will be the first heads of the leading business communities of the five member states of the Union, who were the founders of this association: the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers) of Armenia, Union of non-profit organizations "Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers) of the Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyz Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Russian public organization "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" and NCE RK "Atameken".

The main objectives of the Business Council - is:

- Develop a coordinated position and the dialogue between the business community;

- Establish direct links to the full involvement of business cooperation;

- Promote development of trade and economic relations, industrial and financial cooperation within the Union;

- Identify barriers, exclusions and restrictions on mutual market access in the Member States;

- Engage business in the implementation of projects in various sectors of the economy on the territory of the Member States;

- Assistance in identifying trade and investment opportunities in a wide range of sectors of industry, agriculture and services;

- Exchange of information on existing domestic legislation and other regulations, governing trade, economic, scientific, technical and industrial cooperation.

The agenda includes the discussion of the most important issues for the business environment, such as industrial cooperation, the issues of transit and the draft Customs Code of the EAEU, technical regulations, and the mechanisms of interaction and control of movement of goods in accordance with the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the WTO.

However, in accordance with the Agreement on Business Council, it provides for establishment and work of the experts of the parties in the framework of ad hoc working groups and committees in all areas of cooperation of business communities.

During the meeting it is also planned to sign a letter on behalf of the Presidium of the EAEU Business Council to the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission on the transit of goods within the Union in the conditions of use of unilateral measures to protect the market against third countries by one of the Member States.

Overall, it is believed that the platform of ​​the Business Council will be an effective tool for the business communities of the Member States of the Union in the reports of the pressing problems as a consolidated position of the business to the attention of the authorized state bodies and EEC, as well as search of their solutions.

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