
The deadline for legalization was extended for one year

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NCE RK "Atameken" is ready to provide advice on issues of legalization

On 28th of November comes into force the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts on the amnesty of citizens of Kazakhstan, oralmans and persons having a residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan in connection with the legalization of property". Thus, the process of legalization of money and property will be simplified for individuals.

According to the legislative amendments, the Kazakhs will need to legalize money, property located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan or elsewhere, including the one registered on another person, real estate in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the rights on which are not registered in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When listing the legalized money that citizen intends to use at their discretion, the bank will keep 10 percent of the cost of the amount. The fee for legalization is not charged when you put money on a separate bank account for legalization.

Applicants are given guarantees regarding the confidentiality of information about legalization, protection from unlawful actions by law enforcement and other government bodies.

During legalization an applicant is exempt from criminal, administrative and disciplinary responsibility by a number of articles (except for prohibited activities). The fact of legalization can’t be used as an evidence in criminal cases. Legalized property can’t be confiscated.

For legalization of property and money, an applicant must submit a declaration and required documents to the state revenue authorities.

Deadline for legalization is extended until 31st of December 2016.

NCE RK "Atameken" is ready to provide full assistance and advice on matters of legalization.

Questions and problems can be sent to the email address:

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by June 30, 2014 № 213-V SAM "On amnesty of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, oralmans and persons, having a residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan in connection with legalization of property (with amendments and additions by the condition on 11.13.2015 ) "

Currently, according to the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance, the amount of legalization in Kazakhstan amounted to 420.1 billion tenge. The largest share is represented by objects located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 338.3 billion tenge, the amount of legalized money amounted to 80.8 billion tenge.

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