
Being informed is just like being forearmed

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How should domestic carriers operate under the WTO?

This issue was the main focus of the recent regular meeting on the WTO, which was held at NCE RK with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan as well as representatives of major transport companies of all modes of transport.

This is not the first meeting at the site of NCE RK "Atameken" on the issue of administration of Kazakhstan’s tariff commitments in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in connection with the country's accession to the WTO.

Earlier during the round tables with participation of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture were presented mechanisms of administration of Kazakhstan’s tariff commitments in accordance with the list of exemptions. Following the meeting, the public authorities and NCE RK "Atameken" agreed to work together to assist business in case of problems with the export of goods from Kazakhstan to other countries of the EAEU. However, it is important to clarify to the carriers, involved in the export of goods, all aspects of the process, to facilitate the activities of Kazakh entrepreneurs within the EAEU.

The reason for this meeting was to discuss the mechanism of interaction between shippers and carriers regarding the export of goods included in the list of exemptions from the CCT of EAEU to other Member States of the EAEU.

As it is known, the protocol "On some issues of import and circulation of goods in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union" dated by 16th of October this year stipulates the obligations of carriers to comply with the requirements of the movement of goods from the List of exemptions and liability for violation of the rules of the Protocol in accordance with the laws of the Member States of EAEU.

As it was noted by Acting Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Dana Zhunusova, NCE RK has been working on a regular basis in this direction. For example, NCE RK has sent a request to the Eurasian Economic Commission on the need to provide information to the Chamber on measures that can be imposed by Member States of EAEU for failure or improper fulfillment of the requirements established by the Protocol.

 In addition, NCE RK has requested EEC to provide information on the mechanism of functioning of the national systems of accounting goods in mutual trade of Member States of EAEU (the definition of public authorities which carry out inspections of imported goods from Kazakhstan and conditions for conduction of inspections).

It should be understood that the efficiency of the information campaign of NCE RK "Atameken" will depend on the prompt receipt of the necessary information from our partners within the Union. As quick response will minimize the risks for Kazakh entrepreneurs who export goods from the List of exemption within the EAEU.

At the same time NCE RK "Atameken" works on the issues related to circulation of goods on the territory of the EAEU, which are included in the List of exemptions, but not defined in the Protocol "On some issues of import and circulation of goods on the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union".

So, it is necessary to believe that the goods produced on the territory of Kazakhstan, but are in the list of exemptions, as well as goods imported into the territory of the other Member States of the Union, but sold through the territory of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to provide a separate document, which defines the conditions of their circulation within EAEU.

According to Dana Zhunusova, the competent authorities of the Member States of EAEU in the field of customs and tax affairs agreed that at the initial stage the integration of information systems, a confirmation of export of goods, included in the list of exemptions, will be a paper copy of the electronic invoice and a copy of a customs declaration for importation of goods. At the same time these documents will be valid only if there is a certification seal of the territorial departments of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In turn, the carriers consider that it is also necessary to legislate the interaction of the consignor and the carrier in the export of goods from the List of exemptions.

As it was reported by the representatives of the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan, currently the activities related to the definition of legal acts requiring changes, in accordance with the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administration of exempted goods, are being on.

At the same time, the participants of the meeting agreed on the possibility of considering the development of a single document (for example, the Order of the Minister), which define fundamental conditions of the activities of carriers and shippers in terms of the export of goods from the List of exemptions in the customs territory of the EAEU.

In the first week of December NCE RK "Atameken" plans to hold a press conference with the participation of involved state agencies and the business community of Kazakhstan with a view to the final specification of the main conditions for the activities of the accession of Kazakhstan to the WTO, as well as to identify areas of work in terms of legal regulation of interaction of all the participants of foreign economic relations.

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