
From Hungarian fields to the Kazakh dastarkhan

- Mangistau Region
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In Aktau will open a joint Kazakh- Hungarian joint venture for production of semi-finished and finished quick freeze products

CJSC “MIRELITE MIRSA Zrt”, which produces fruit and vegetables, flour products, meat products and ready-made products, fast freezing products, next year it plans to open a branch in the sea capital of Kazakhstan.

Tasting of frozen vegetables, meat products, fruits and products, which prepared the chef from Hungary, was held in the House of Entrepreneurs. In fact the Hungarian cuisine is not only delicious, but also very beautiful, say Aktau businessmen.

As it was noted by the representative of the Hungarian side Alyas Bachar, the company “MIRELITE MIRSA Zrt” was founded in 1945 and is the second oldest brand in the world, after the American brand “Birds Eye”, in the category of frozen food. The company processes almost all kinds of vegetables and fruits grown in Hungary, tracking it from planting seeds to delivery to the table.

The supplied raw materials undergo a rigorous inspection and sampling for analysis before they get processed. Most of the microbiological testing of finished products, the company produces at its own laboratory. Quick-freeze products are supplied to 30 countries of near and far abroad. Excellent output quality is secured by advanced technology, the company grows raw materials, processes raw materials, they have an exceptional quality because of the climatic conditions in Hungary.

As it was noted by the project manager of the Hungarian company “Orient Trade Hungary Ltd” Attila Simcoe, upon completion of the registration of the joint venture, next year in Aktau will be opened a warehouse and created new jobs. A new large production will start working. Preference will be given to the purchase of local products, so that prices become more available. Entrepreneurs are confident that they will be able to cooperate closely with restaurants and hotels in the first place.

"For our company, your country is new, and, of course, we were don’t know legal aspects. Therefore, we applied to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and found support. They promised to help with registration and to accompany all of our business projects. We will register a joint venture with the help of the experts of the Chamber. We are convinced that, perhaps, nowhere in the world, there is such a body, which provides such business support. Our company operates in more than 30 countries around the world, and in none of them we have seen an organization like the Chamber of entrepreneurs that helps business to develop", - said Attila Simcoe.

By the way, the Hungarian company does not have branches in other cities of Kazakhstan. The city of Aktau is the first regional center, in which will be launched the Hungarian-Kazakh joint venture.

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