
Support should be mutual

- Kyzylorda Region
8817 просмотров

In the light of the decline of oil prices it is important to consider all the issues of diversification of the regional economy

This was stated by the Chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Askar Makhambetov, commenting on President's address to the people of Kazakhstan.

"Business representatives were waiting forward to the recent President's address to the people of Kazakhstan. The global crisis has affected every citizen of Kazakhstan. However, entrepreneurs again re-experienced support in the leader’s address to the nation, which clearly sets strategic goals to overcome the global crisis. We are articularly inspired by the President’s statement about the tax policy. Optimization of taxation in the country, will certainly have a positive impact on the entrepreneurs", - said the head of the Regional Council.

As it was noted by Askar Makhambetov, the entrepreneurs from Aral Sea region are the patriots of the region that contribute to the development of the country.

"Therefore, I believe that my colleagues will support the initiative of the Head of State and take an active part in the processes of privatization and public-private partnership, thus creating new jobs", - he said.

According to A. Makhambetova, the projects of development of the metallurgical cluster, construction of glass and cement factories, are being implemented now. "Therefore, not only the public authorities, but also we, entrepreneurs, together with the deputies should carry out advocacy work to promote the address of the President. It's time to compensate for the decline in oil production at the expense of other companies ", - concluded the chairman of the Regional Council.

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