
If you violate traffic regulations then you have to pay more!

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Increase of the cost of an insurance for drivers who repeatedly violate traffic rules, offers the Association of Financiers

Managing Director of the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan Yerlan Burabaev spoke about the suggestion of the company on the concept of reconciliation in a traffic accident within the europrotocol.

The association has put forward three basic amendments. The first relates to the tightening of registration of an insurance for offenders, who constantly break traffic rules. "Now the driver, who gets into an accident, has to buy a new insurance in order to continue to operate a vehicle. He has to pay a fine for violation of traffic rules, which resulted in a traffic accident. Quite often participants of an accident "agree" on the spot, a perpetrator reimburses a victim the amount of auto repair. That is there is no need to pay penalty, and the accident costs him the price of an insurance. How to stop it? He will continue to drive like crazy. There should be a system of some consequences. We propose to increase the cost of insurance for people who often create accidents. In principle there is now such a mechanism, but it is still limited to a certain upper limit. In our view, it is not enough", - said Burabaev in an interview to

The Association of Financiers states that the cost of an insurance policy is different in different regions. "Vehicles can move freely all over Kazakhstan, not only in one region. The cost of insurance varies. In Almaty and Astana - the highest, in other cities – it is cheaper. This is not fair. We do not have differences in the amount of a transport tax. In different regions it is the same. Why insurance is differentiated? Our offer is to move to a single tariff all over Kazakhstan, or to increase the cost in some regions up to the maximum", - said Burabaev.

However, the organization believes that the insurance companies need to give additional functions. "It takes the legislative revision that would give insurance companies the authority to conduct the analysis, to use appropriate approved schemes and on the basis of that to make insurance payments. In order to avoid fraud on the part of insurance companies or insurers, it is necessary to define the relevant business processes and systems", - said Erlan Burabaev.

According to him, the concept provides that the registration of the relevant documents is carried out by the insurers without calling the traffic police, but the analysis of these documents stays with the insurance companies. "Now the insurance companies do not have such powers. There are no approved schemes of traffic accidents ", - said the head of the Association.

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