
New opportunities for the business community

- City of Astana
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The Head of State in his address to the nation "Kazakhstan in the new global reality: growth, reforms, development" announced further key aspects of economic development and identified five areas of anti-crisis and structural changes.

It is natural that in such a difficult time, most of the address was dedicated to measures of support of the economy and the development of small and medium businesses in the country. The Head of State once again gave a new promise and offered specific and clear steps that determine further business growth.

Important aspects of this address were discussed at the Metropolitan Chamber of entrepreneurs with representatives of SMEs.

"I am confident that the message of the Leader of the nation opens up new opportunities for entrepreneurs. The President stressed that today the world is changing rapidly. There comes a different era. Before our eyes passes a new global reality with different opportunities and risks. Today, Kazakhstan's economy is affected adversely by a number of external factors caused by the collapse in world markets. The origin of the global crisis does not depend on us. No one is immune from the effects of global crises. It is a reminder that the business community of the country must always be on alert, adapting to the new realities and challenges", - noted the director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana Ghani Tasmaganbetov.

In this regard, the business community more than ever must unite to achieve common goals, to seek for the best and effective solutions in challenging circumstances, added the head of the Metropolitan Chamber.

According to the President, Kazakhstan has become a leading country in the region with strong institutions, competent, efficient and predictable Government. We must have the best technical staff, world-class infrastructure, we need to ensure public order and personal safety of people.

 All these aspects, designated by the President, set new challenges and opportunities, many of which have already been included in the work of the Metropolitan Chamber of Entrepreneurs. This business community of the capital will learn about during the reporting meeting of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, which is planned in the coming days.

Within the frames of the event, the Metropolitan Chamber intends to inform business and state agencies on the intermediate results, as well as to announce priorities for the coming year. The Chamber will present a detailed report on the results of the current year, on the measures taken for the protection of entrepreneurs' rights, elimination of administrative barriers and development of business in the capital.

Content and urgent topics for the reporting meeting were identified by entrepreneurs themselves. Businessmen say that they are most concerned about issues in private health care, improvement of the quality of service in the capital, the possibility of development of the manufacturing sector, the prospects of the construction industry, trade and the financial sector, and business financing.

This interactive platform will allow to discuss and to analyze systematic problems hindering the development of entrepreneurship, exchange of views. An important part of the meeting will be devoted to direct calls from businessmen of the capital. The event will be attended by over 300 entrepreneurs.

"I think that this is a new and effective form of cooperation between entrepreneurs and state bodies. The main and never changing principle of our work - is transparency and openness. We strive to get feedback from the business and implement it in practice”, - said Gani Tasmaganbetov.

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