
Telling foreign guests about the world of nomads

- City of Astana
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Ethno cultural heritage of the country revived in a new metropolitan business

Astana resident Saule Zhusupbekova, a former teacher, decided to try herself in the business. She nore in her head the idea of ​​creation of a unique project, which could popularize and promote the culture and history of the Kazakh people for tens of years.

"We have a very rich culture, its basis is a nomadic and a semi-nomadic way of life. Unfortunately, many countries do not understood it, and think what kind of culture nomads could have? And I always wanted to fill this gap by explaining to foreigners in an accessible language, to convey the charm of the centuries-old ethnic and cultural values", - said the author of the project.

Being an employee of an international organization, in line with her duties she visited various foreign countries. Touching the culture and traditions of foreigners, she was missing the vast steppes of our country, incredible desire to create a project that could revive ethnic and cultural values ​​of our country conceived in Saule’s mind abroad.

"When I was in Korea, I saw how they implement similar projects that promote their own culture. They have demonstrated one of the musical instruments, but they did it in a simplified, easy and affordable manner. Thus, Koreans widely popularize not only musical instruments, but also the entire national ideology. And we have a yurt, the national cuisine and music instruments. Why not to combine it all this and show it in composition", - says Saule Zhusupbekova. Without thinking too long, a young woman got enrolled in a two-day training course "Business - Adviser" and received a certificate. Then she got a full consultation of the experts of the Metropolitan Chamber of Entrepreneurs and began to work. It was not difficult to find staff for Saule, she knew that she doesn’t need regular subordinated staff, but rather a number of like-minded artists and craftsmen, engaged in arts and crafts, having knowledge of traditions. For a short time she became acquainted with Zada-apa which is a former historian and know very well ethnic culture and traditions of nomadic people. Within a short time Zahaylau joined the project – a professional artist-sculptor, who also produces and promotes musical instruments "saz syrnay". A talented student of the Metropolitan Academy of Arts and young actor Nursultan joined the creative tandem - and as a creative director was invited Aigul, a young employee of Nazarbayev University, who is fluent in the language of Shakespeare.

Once the backbone of the team was assembled, the budding businesswoman has launched its exclusive ethno-cultural project called "Kokzhaylaudagy Kezdesu / Getting together at Kokzhaylau”.

The purpose of the project is aimed at familiarizing foreign business visitors and foreign tourists with culture and traditions of the Kazakh people. And it is a unique product in the area of ​​services, leisure and cultural activities for foreign visitors of the capital, according to the author.

The project includes a makeshift installation and short programs during which foreign visitors can learn more about the culture and traditions of the Kazakh people, to understand the soul and touch the history, an opportunity to assemble with their own hands a yurt under the program "Kiіz үy tіgemіz". For those wishing to prepare national dishes is proposed the program "Kazakh Dastarkhan" and those who want to make a musical instrument and to play on it can participate in a mini master class, manufacturing technology “Tuny sazsyrnay”, “Saz syrnay", women can enjoy national clothes.

Through enabling interactive participation in the manufacturing process and the creation of objects related to the genuine values ​​and heritage of the Great Steppe, the authors immerse guests in the atmosphere of the Kazakh nomadic life and crafts. And the team "Kokzhaylaudagy Kezdesu" is outgoing and ready to implement the project on its site and services at customer’s premises, forums, conferences, seminars, etc.

Among the first to estimate the presentation were the representatives of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and JSC NC "Astana EXPO-2017", which noted the importance of this project in anticipation of the upcoming international exhibition.

"I believe that all participants received spiritual enrichment from the project, because each of them had indescribable delight in their eyes. Many refreshed their memory, plunged into the depths, understanding again how sublime our national culture is", - says the owner of LLP "Kok Zhaylau" Saule Zhusupbekova.

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