
"Atameken" managed to restore concessions for farmers

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The tax regulations for rural entrepreneurs were simplified through the intervention of NCE

Since 2016, for peasant farmers and husbandry farms increased the maximum size of land plots for the application of preferential treatment on the basis of payment of the single land tax. This long-awaited news was announced today at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications by the director of the Department of Taxation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Zhenys Zhanbulatova. She reminded that in early 2015 the entrepreneurs doing business on the basis of farms could not apply the preferential tax treatment for the payment of the single land tax due to the established limits for the maximum size of land plots. "We've been discussing this issue with government agencies and within the framework of the legislative work amendments were introduced in the Tax Code, which will be effective from 1st of January 2016. In some regions of Kazakhstan, these limits on the maximum size of land plots have been increased ", - said Zh. Zhanbulatova.

According to her, the land size was increased in Almaty, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda, South Kazakhstan, Atyrau, Mangistau and Almaty regions.

"For example, if in the Almaty region in 2015, the limit for the size of land plots for the use of the single land tax was 500 hectares, in 2016 it will be 5 thousand hectares", - added the head of the Department of Taxation. And so, to go back to a special tax regime on the basis of payment of the single land tax, farmers need to submit a notification to the tax authorities before January 1, 2016".

Meanwhile, other tax innovations were stipulated for agricultural producers. "Since 2016 those farmers that can not apply the single land tax will also be able to apply the tax regime, which is provided for legal entities - agricultural producers, which provided 70% exemption on corporate income tax, VAT, social tax, property tax and a number of other taxes", - summarized Zhenys Zhanbulatova.

Zhanar Serdalina

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