
The Joint Commission on the quality of medical services was established at the Ministry of Health

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The head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tamara Duysenova signed a decree on creation of a consultative body under the Ministry.

The composition of the Joint Commission on the quality of medical services in addition to representatives of the Ministry of Health, government agencies, members of parliament, professional associations and NGOs, include Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

The Commission will deal with suggestion of recommendations on how to improve the quality of medical services, the introduction of advanced standards in the field of the national health care.

The Joint Commission on the quality of medical services has the right to create expert and working groups to address issues related to the competence of the Commission to approve the rules of interaction with stakeholders, to engage, if necessary, the main external experts of the Ministry, independent experts, representatives of non-governmental and international organizations, Healthcare organizations for analysis, evaluation and examination of the matters governed by this Regulation, decide on the matter in accordance with this Regulation, to make proposals to the Ministry on how to improve the legislation in the sphere of public health.

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