
Veterinary control within the framework of the WTO

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NCE RK informed on the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a member of the WTO under the terms on circulation of goods subject to veterinary inspection and supervision.

At the site of NCE RK "Atameken" was held a press conference with the participation of the Chairman of the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of RK of the Ministry of Agriculture Saktasha Khasenov and Acting Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK Dana Zhunusova on the implementation of the regulatory framework in Kazakhstan, regulating the procedure for export and import of goods subject to veterinary inspection and supervision in accordance with the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a member of the WTO.

As it was previously reported, in the field of animal health measures upon accession to the WTO Kazakhstan took commitments to apply the requirements that differ from the requirements of regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union in this area (13 veterinary certificates in the format “European Union - Republic of Kazakhstan” are attached).

However, in accordance with the Protocol "On some issues of import and circulation of goods on the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union", which was signed on 16th of October by Heads of the EAEU, the Republic of Kazakhstan has committed itself in the field of veterinary and sanitary measures during import / export of goods subject to veterinary control (supervision) in the other countries of the Union.

Kazakhstan’s application of requirements, that differ from the requirements of the EAEU, stipulates a commitment to ensure the administration of the traceability system of the goods subject to veterinary control (supervision), which is approved by all other Member States.

In addition to the traceability system there is an obligation that if the controlled goods and products made from them, were imported by a veterinary certificate that is different from common forms of certificates of EAEU, the Republic of Kazakhstan shall not permit export of such goods and products.

It is worth recalling that, in respect of agricultural products is planned phased reduction of import duties for 753 commodity items from the lists of exemptions (to 2020), including 261 commodity items in respect of which will be applied reduced rates from 15th of December this year according to the list approved by the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission # 59 dated by October 14, 2015.

In this regard, goods subject to veterinary control (supervision) introduced into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from third countries, and products made from them can be moved only if the goods are imported according to the requirements in the field of veterinary and sanitary measures of EAEU and the current CCT rate of EAEU.

Acting Deputy Chairman of NCE RK Dana Zhunusova drew the attention of entrepreneurs that if these products are imported under the requirements that are different from those in the field of veterinary and sanitary measures of EAEU, i.e. the certificate in EU- the Republic of Kazakhstan format in accordance with WTO rules, as well as products made from them, they can’t be moved from the territory to other Member States.

Thus, entrepreneurs with the importation of goods subject to veterinary inspection, and in case of further exports to the EAEU of such commodities or products produced from them, should take into account the following parameters:

1. The import of goods subject to veterinary control on a single form of veterinary certificates of EAEU;

2. In case of import of such goods if they are included in the list of exemptions to pay import duties in compliance with CCT of EAEU;

3. For the export of goods included in the list of exemptions (imported by EAEU Standards), you must have a veterinary certificate, as well as to ensure  its presence in the unified automated control system (UACS).

In order to verify and to confirm the presence of a veterinary certificate in UACS, Veterinary Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with JSC "Kazagromarketing" and NCE RK "Atameken" made an agreement to provide access to the login – the key of information system of UACS to representatives of RCE in the review mode.

Provision of access in the future will make it possible to verify compliance of veterinary documents on the ground in the electronic database UACS.

"Kazagromarketing" today prepares the scheme of transfer of the key and the login to representatives of RCE for access to the electronic database of UACS.

Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture has fulfilled the following work in terms of the formation of the legal framework in line with the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the WTO:

1. The rules for issuing veterinary documents, providing for the issuance of veterinary certificates in information system "Unified automated control system in the agricultural sector";

 2. Standards for public services for the issuance of veterinary certificates. Changes will include introduction of information in UACS with the help of veterinary certificates, issued by veterinarians of local executive bodies and certified veterinarian units for control of production of enterprises.

3. Standard of state service "Issue of acting within the Republic of Kazakhstan export veterinary certificates for movable (transportable) objects undergoes state registration at the Ministry of Justice.

Given the need for a period of time to establish all the mechanisms of control over the movement of goods and organization of cooperation between all the relevant involved agencies, some aspects require regulation in a "manual mode".

However, the chairman of the committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture Saktash Khasenov noted that currently the provincial Veterinary Administration is working on signing a memorandum on mutual cooperation on issues of mutual movement of goods subject to veterinary control (supervision) with the veterinary border services of the Russian Federation. These agreements provide for the possibility, in the case of any inconsistency or technical malfunction with the automated system in relation to the Kazakhstani businessmen, to address emerging issues within 5 days.

According to the representative of Ministry of Agriculture, the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture in the fields and via videoconference is working with relevant departments of local executive bodies of cities, regions to inform them about the mechanism of an integrated information system of the Ministry of Agriculture - UACS in the agricultural sector, as well as clarify the requirements of normative base of EAEU in SPS measures for export, import of goods from third countries and the EAEU, subject to veterinary control (supervision) and meet the requirements of accompanying veterinary documents.

According to Dana Zhunusova currently NCE RK organized a hotline and working conditions of business in accordance with the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a member of the WTO. A similar mechanism for the resolution of questions was developed by the Ministry of Agriculture.

A list of veterinary certificates agreed in the format of the European Union - Republic of Kazakhstan can be found here

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