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- Almaty Region
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College students were told about how they can become entrepreneurs

Consultants of a branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Aksu district of Almaty region met with graduates of Aksu Polytechnic College, which for many years trains personnel for the district.

The purpose of such meetings is to attract the attention of young people to the state programs for support of start-up businesses.

Students are offered a wide range of youth employment opportunities. Thus, the consultant of the Center of business support of a branch in Aksu district Aygerim Shayakhmetova told college graduates that one of the most promising options for them would be to establish their own businesses, as there are now state grants for start-ups. They can also participate in the competition for grant funding. Grants for business start-ups are an important tool for active young people who have innovative thinking, dream to realize their original ideas into practice.

The program aroused great interest among the active young people, who wish to get detailed information from the consultants.

The students got an explanation of the benefits of state programs, designed to support start-ups. There were many questions about the participation in the competition for grants under the Uniform program of support and business development "Business Road Map-2020".

"School of young entrepreneur" and "Business Advisor", a training seminar, conducted by the coaches of the Chamber within the frames of non-financial support of business also arose great interest among the students. Graduates asked their questions, talked about their ideas. Students were also presented, such state programs as "With diploma to the village", "Employment - 2020".

"The seminar was very informative and useful for the students, - said the deputy director on educational work of Aksu Polytechnic College named after Zh. Amanbaev. - I would like to express my gratitude to the branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Aksu district of Almaty region for attention to young people, in fact, these guys are the future and the hope of our district and the state as a whole".

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