
16 by-laws will be adopted for the SEZ

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The documents are being harmonized now

The procedure for determining the priority activities on the territory of special economic zones in Kazakhstan will be significantly optimized.

This was announced today at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “KAZNEX INVEST” Almas Aydarov. Summing up the work of SEZ in 2015, he named it "fruitful." A new perspective for these economic areas gives the Law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on improvement of special economic zones", which was signed by the head of state and is aimed at improving the activities of both participants and management bodies of SEZ.

According to A. Aidarov for the implementation of this law it is planned to introduce amendments to 16 legal acts, the documents "have already been developed and sent to the accredited organizations and public authorities for approval".

In addition to simplifying the conditions for the organization of business in the SEZ, it also stipulates the creation of a Uniform Coordination Centre on the basis of already existing organizations to transfer to it a part of the state-owned shares of management companies in trust management. Among other expected legal innovations is prolongation of preferential use of land for a period equal to the existence of the SEZ.

Commenting on the current situation around the created SEZ, Almas Aydarov reported that it is planned to commission 53 projects worth 500 billion tenge in 2016. In particular, the construction of infrastructure for following SEZs was completed: "Burabay", "Ontustik", "Saryarka", two sub-zones SEZ "Seaport Aktau", as well as the first stage of the "PIT" and the Industrial Park #1 of SEZ "Astana-new city".

In addition, during the years 2016-2017, we will complete the construction of infrastructure for 4 SEZs ("Khorgos - Eastern Gate", "PIT", "Astana", "Chemical park “Taraz”). At the same time due to the unique objects of chemical and petrochemical industry at two SEZs the completion of construction of infrastructure is planned in 2018-2019 ("NINT", "Pavlodar"). It is planned to complete the formation of the infrastructure for all existing economic zones until 2020.

Zhanar Serdalina

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