
The Government has a new reserve

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More funds will be allocated for financing of urgent anti-crisis measures

The national budget has a special reserve for financing of the operational anti-crisis measures. This was announced today at the briefing by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Sagintayev.

"In 2016 a special reserve planned in the amount of 225.5 billion tenge. These funds will be used to support employment, additional funding of state programs "Nurly Zhol" and other", - said B. Sagintayev.

In addition, the Government of Kazakhstan is preparing for a possible sharp drop in world oil prices. "Given the rapid decline in world oil prices and volatility of the global markets, the President instructed the Government to develop a possible scenario of economic development of Kazakhstan with various global oil prices up to 20 USD per barrel", - said B.Sagintayev.

However, he noted that "these scenarios will be discussed on 19th of January at a meeting of the Council on Economic Policy of the Government".

"We may have to make tough decisions on the budget, to conduct an audit of expenses, to detect certain inefficient areas of funding. However, all social expenditures and spending on the state program "Nurly Zhol” will not be reduced", - said B.Sagintayev.

The First Deputy Prime Minister also added, "that in December 2015 the Government of Kazakhstan adopted a plan of action with the National Bank to ensure social and economic stability”. The plan “includes the systematic measures of stabilization of the major blocs of the financial sector, increased lending to the economy, privatization, development of competition and attraction of private foreign investment, the provision of state support".

"These decisions will be taken into account during the adoption of additional measures", - summed up B. Sagintayev.

Zhanar Serdalina

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