
The partnership with the rescue service

- City of Almaty
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The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty and DES of Almaty signed the Agreement of Understanding and Cooperation

Within the frames of the partnership, it is planned to strengthen joint work on elimination of administrative barriers and protection of business interests.

"First of all, this agreement is very important for the residents of Almaty. This is important both for business as well since non-compliance with the standards can lead to fatal outcomes. For our part, we are ready to support the promotion of fire safety regulations, the activities related to seismic factors. The agreement stipulates elimination of administrative barriers, prevention of the infringement of the rights of entrepreneurs in terms of inspection and review measures. I want to mention that doing business in Almaty has a variety of potential threats. These are: seismic activity, mudflow, the risks of fire", - said the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov.

He also said that the results of last year's partnership of the Chamber with DES of Almaty were active and fruitful. There were held meetings to discuss and to clarify the changes in the legislation, to consider the appeals of entrepreneurs.

The Head of the Department for Emergency Situations of Almaty, Major General Serik Aubakirov noted the necessity and timely conclusion of the Agreement. "Out of 21 types of licensing 20 were eliminated. The remaining 1 kind of licensing is associated with the handling of explosives. There was created an institute of independent evaluation as an alternative form of state fire control. After the inspection and an independent expert opinion, we accept the accept the expert opinion and frees a business entity from inspections for 3 years. These measures have helped reduce the number of audits by 6 times", - said Serik Aubakirov.

The two sides expressed the hope that with the signing of the Agreement on mutual understanding and cooperation, the joint action in the interests of business will have a positive impact on the business development of the metropolis.

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