
Kazakhstan continues to look for other ways to deliver cargo from Ukraine

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In which cases can Kazakh importers carry Ukrainian goods across the Russian border?

From 1st of January 2016, Russia imposed a decree on the transit of goods from Ukraine to Kazakhstan. According to this document, the Ukrainian cargo can be transported through the Russian territory only if they were sent from Belarus.

According to Acting Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Dana Zhunusova, NCE conducts a large-scale awareness-raising campaign on the conditions of import of the Ukrainian goods.

"In order to obtain more information about the details of the transit from the Russian side, we sent a request to the public authorities of Russia and Belarus. In addition, at present, there was compiled a list of the Kazakhstani enterprises- importers of Ukrainian goods with their contracts with specification of supplies needed for 2016 for transmission through the Federal Customs Service of Russia. It is expected that the Kazakh businessmen included in the list, in the absence of violations of the EAEU law (tax, customs, transport), will organize a "green corridor" with the exemption from the need for a convoy on the way", - said Dana Zhunusova.

Currently, NCE RK is working on listing companies not previously included. Therefore entrepreneurs, who import goods from Ukraine, are invited to contact the Department of Economic Integration of NCE RK on the inclusion in the above mentioned list.

Zhunusova added that currently the possibility for using alternative routes for deliveries of goods from Ukraine to Kazakhstan is being worked out. In particular, vehicle transportation by ferries through the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea by the routes: "Ukraine (Ilyichevsk) - Georgia (Poti / Batumi) - Azerbaijan (Baku) - Kazakhstan (Aktau)", land route through Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, Train route "Ukraine (Ilyichevsk) - Georgia (Poti / Batumi) - Azerbaijan (Baku) - Kazakhstan (Aktau)".

"Main nomenclature of imports from Ukraine to Kazakhstan is food products, goods made by pharmaceuticals, engineering and metalworking, construction industry, mining and metallurgical, manufacturing, agribusiness", - she said.

It is worth noting that 1503 companies traded with Ukrainian businessmen in 2015.

"The rise of the price of goods from Ukraine is inevitable, but to talk about specific calculation is not possible at present, as there is no information on the associated costs with the introduction of a new order of transit of goods. The actions of the Russian authorities will affect the prices of Ukrainian goods, as it puts a financial burden on business entities, who have to pay for support services, temporary storage and other additional charges and costs associated with the use of alternative routes", - said the representative of NCE RK.

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